Chapter 7

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"No, we're good.  For this week at least."  The grownups laughed and Henry, Becca, and Felix went to the back where the couches and lounge chairs were.  "Hey! It's the burger flippers!" Torri said, she was relaxing on a pink beach chair.  "Oh blow me Torri." Becca said as she collapsed on a soft fur couch, beside Walter and TaShon.  Henry and Felix sat in the swivel high chairs, which they just used to spin on.  "Henry you are such a kid, you'd think the Apocolypse would bring out the adults in people..." Walter said rolling his eyes.  "Pardon my manners, Walter, but  I believe that the Apocolypse is the perfect time to be a kid again.  And be depressed." He said the last part directly at Felix.  "Don't scorn us for being childish anyway, at least we work, all you guys do is sit here while the grown ups go scouting and kill Parasitcs. " Becca said snappishly.  "Ew Becca, you sound like those government warnings saying 'Parasitics here, Parasitics there' "  the two groups argued playfully on what to call the sick.  Bullets shot from outside and everyone jumped up and ran out.  The trio from McDonald's had their handguns out and ready while the others went to get the little weapons they had.  Aaron, Alice, John, and Aziz (John and Aziz were the walmart leaders) were unloading every bullet they had into a horde of hundreds of Parasitic.  They came in from all angles and all of them were scattered and random.  A short Parasitic charged at Felix, he waited till she was right in front of him to pull the trigger and the monster fell back. Henry and Becca were back to back, firing at the group coming on the left and right sides, this left room for only the front.  John shot four bullets into an obsesse runner, and his gun clicked with bullet absence. A crawling blonde one pushed him down and sank it's teeth onto his nose.  Aziz screamed and jumped on the things back and put it in a choke hold.  "Someone kill it!" Aziz said as he struggled to maintain some sort of balance.  Felix was the only one not busy, so he put the gun to the things forehead, but right as he was about to pull the trigger, John turned and grabbed Felix's shoe.  He shot the newly turned man and shot the woman in the back of the head, but she had already been sitting on top of Aziz, munching on his ripped open chest.  Felix didn't have time to kill Aziz because four more runners came towards him.  He was scared, but he shot at least two in the head. Sadly he ran out of bullets because he shot his whole round into the two last runners.  He panicked and dropped the gun and ran to the front doors of the walmart.  Inside was as hectic as out, shelves were toppled, everyone was screaming and running.  Dead bodies littered the ground; a sick Walter with a knife stuck in his heart was chasing an old man with long white hair.  Walter jumped on the man's back and bit his ear clean off, then another two Parasitics  came and began tearing the man's limbs off with their teeth.  "F-ff-felix....glurg* glurg*" TaShon came, gripping Felix's shirt as he sank to the ground, choking on blood.  "Oh...oh...Oh my god...TaShon...." Felix crouched and just watched his friend begin to spasm and vomit blood.  His eyes were glossy red, and a single tear rolled down the side of his face.  "P-p-p-aaa....Felix......huuuuhh....i....don'" Felix felt a sharp pain inside his heart as TaShon stopped moving.  Felix looked and saw TaShons primary four fingers on his right hand were missing.  "" Felix shed a few tears, but the front doors busted open and countless Parasitic came running in.  Felix jetted out of there, jumping over bodies and dodging flailing arms.  He was going to the pharmacy when he tripped and flew forward, landing on his chin.  "Fuck Fuck fuck!"  Blood spewed from his opened chin and it burnt like fire. He quickly jumped up but something grabbed his leg.  He turned and it was a little boy, no older than 9 years old.  He had a gunshot in his back and his ankle seemed broken, but he was alive.  " hurts..." the boy softly cried out.  The sick were almost to Felix, now he could see them all, hundreds busting through and grabbing anyone they could find, or just eating the leftovers.  He looked back at the pharmacy, he could easily hide back behind the counter and hide out til things died down.  "Please..." the boy whimpered again.  "Fine, hurry up." Felix grabbed the kid and picked him up, the boy leaned on Felix as they slowly made it to the counter.  Felix gave the kid a boost while he just hoped over it.  They hid against the pharmacy counter, no one would see them unless they actually looked over.  Felix was hyperventilating and now all his thoughts were forming with clarity: how he left his friends, how he let TaShon turn, how he was going to leave the kid to die.  The sound of eating and running and screaming and death wouldn't die down for a couple of hours.  The store became dark and the air extremely humid.  Felix's chin still stung like a bitch and it felt like the wound was going deeper into his skin.  They didn't speak to each other in fear of getting found, but the boy wheezed and choked for all those hours.  Finally, Felix placed his fingers on the counter and slowly, very slowly, pulled himself up.  At least ten Parasitic were just walking around, all the glass in the front doors were shattered and the wooden barricades were torn up, no sign of his friends or anyone alive.  He slid back down and cursed himself in his head.  There is no way out of this especially without a gun.  Felix tapped the boy and motioned for him to go to the back of the pharmacy and behind the small wall, the boy crawled first, but winced and whined his way there.  Once they got there, they squeezed close against the wall to make sure they couldn't be seen.  "hey...what-what happened?  How did Walter get sick?" Felix asked with the lowest voice possible.  The boy sat and grabbed his stomach, "i....dont...know *wheeze*.  They were just....inside." Felix nodded and buried himself in his knees and cried himself to sleep in the pharmacy with a dying 9 year old boy watching him. 

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