22. Dr. Harrison

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Hayden admires her belly of pregnant woman who gradually begins to see itself. It's not huge but big enough to notice that she is pregnant.

She is now starting her third month of pregnancy and she feels wonderful. The nausea finally disappeared, and unlike tiredness she felt at first, she feels more fit than ever.

She smiles as she caresses her stomach, looking at her reflection in the mirror of the bathroom. This baby is a miracle, she thought she could never get pregnant again.

Oliver suddenly appears behind her and hugs her, laying his hands on her belly, his head resting on her shoulder.

"You're not ready yet?" He kisses her on the cheek and looks at their reflection in the mirror.

"No, I'm sorry, I can't take my eyes off this little belly," Hayden smiled, her hands resting on his.

"Our little girl," Oliver's hands stroked her belly gently as he smiled like a little boy waiting impatiently for his surprise.

"Why a girl? Maybe it's a boy?"

"No, it's a girl," Oliver replies at once. "And I hope she will have your eyes and your beautiful smile."

"And your incredible charm," she turns and passes her arms around his neck. She kisses him tenderly.

"Obviously," Oliver replies, laughing lightly. "We have to hurry, my love, we're going to be late."

It's true that they are expected at an evening at Dr. Harrison's home. Apparently several doctors and psychiatrists will be present.

It doesn't enchant her at all, but she still wants to accompany Oliver. She is so admiring when she hears him discussed psychology or medicine. She feels so proud to be with a man as respectable as him.

Hayden put on her red dress. She waists perfectly well, revealing her small round belly. She ties up her long red hair, makes up her eyes slightly and applies a red lipstick to her lips.

"I'm not so sure I want to go," Oliver said. He looks at her from top to bottom, his gaze slightly perplexed.

"I am ridiculous?" She asks, seeing Oliver's worried look.

"No, you're perfect," he answers, approaching her. "It's just... I don't know if I'll bear the look of other men on you."

"Oh baby, we don't care about others," She puts a hand on his cheek. She knows just how much Oliver can't stand another man looking at her. He is always anxious when they both go out.

"Maybe we should stay here, together," She sees in his look that he is already worried, but she wants to prove to him that he has nothing to fear.

"Oliver, everything will be fine," she smiled warmly, trying to reassure him. "I'll stay close to you."

"You know what's going to happen if not?" He threatened, as if he warned a little girl before she made a fool of it.

Hayden nods slowly. Of course she knows it.

When she doesn't act as he would, she must undergo his angry behavior. And in general, he discharges his anger to bed, when he makes love to her, as if to prove that she's his and that it's he who dominates and controls their relationship.

She knows she will not be able to change that personality in him, so she goes in his direction.

"You're splendid, sweeheart," Oliver kisses her passionately, lowering his hands on her buttocks.


Half an hour later, they arrive at the evening organized by Dr. Harrison.

Let Me Love You (Oliver Thredson x OC) - COMPLETED ✔Where stories live. Discover now