28. Unexpected Request

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Some months later...

The sun is barely rising but Hayden is already awake. She spent a restful night, she must admit that it does her good. Lily is now a year and a half old and she's been making her nights for two months. Hayden no longer breastfeeds her, she now eats puree and other foods like them.

Hayden can finally spend peaceful nights without having to get up four times, see more, to breastfeed her daughter. And enjoy hot nights with her husband without being interrupted. She straightened up in bed, holding the sheet to hide her chest. She looks at Oliver's naked body lying beside her, on his stomach. Her eyes rest on his muscular buttocks. She always found that he had beautiful buttocks. She thinks back to that night when they made love passionately, she gripped his buttocks firmly as he came and went deep inside her.

Hayden feels a heat forming between her legs as she thinks about it. She leans towards Oliver, caresses his back slowly, she places a few kisses in his neck and then on his lips. He moaned slightly, he still slept deeply.

She gets up trying not to make too much noise. She goes to the bathroom. She looks at her reflection in the mirror, she is covered with marks of bites, hickey. She passes a finger on a red mark, it is true that for some time, their sexual antics are more wild.Although their relationship has always been torrid, since they re-discovered sexually, after her rape and childbirth, their sexual antics are more sadistic. The mixture between pleasure and pain is perfect. And Oliver loves this new facet of their sex lives as much as she does.

Hayden runs the water from the shower until it gets hot and then she goes in and lets the water run down her body. She wet her hair and close her eyes, letting the water dripping on her face. She lets the warm water slowly relax her muscles. She runs her hands through her hair to remove them from her face. She hears the shower curtain moving and feels the spicy smell of Oliver's perfume. She opens her eyes, he stands facing her. He places a lock of hair behind her ear and kisses her lips.

"You didn't have to get up," Hayden whispers as she runs a hand through his hair.

"I know," he answers, placing his hands on her hips. "I wanted to take advantage of this moment just for us, before Lily woke up."

He kisses her in the neck sensually, licking her skin. Hayden passes a hand behind his neck and caresses his hair. She can feel Oliver's erection caressing her thigh at each of his movements. He kisses her with desire, pressing her against the shower wall. His body firmly pressed against hers. He stretches for a moment, a hand on her breast, an admiring look.

"They're perfect," but it's not her he's looking at, but her breasts. Since her pregnancy, she has taken a lot of breasts, and Oliver seems delighted. He keeps touching them, or sometimes, his look seems lost in her cleavage.

His other hand descends between her legs and caresses her clitoris. He approaches the mouth of her breast and takes the nipple between his teeth, chews gently and then begins to suck. Hayden moans, her nails sink into the skin of his shoulders. Hot water flows on their bodies, making the moment even more sensual. Oliver suddenly wears her, she wraps her legs around his hips. They kiss passionately, Oliver takes her hands and holds them over her head, he enters her slowly.

Hayden bends her head back under the effect of pleasure, she moans. She feels Oliver hold her hands firmly over her head, her wrists begin to be painful under his grip, but she does not care, she likes when he dominates. He moves the hips quickly, each blow he gives strikes her clitoris which causes her to moan louder.

"I love hearing you moan like that," whispers Oliver, kissing her in the neck.

"Faster," Hayden moaned, scratching his shoulder. "I'm almost there!"

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