A sudden clashing of my shoulder with another wakes me from my remembrance of a special time me and Harry shared together. I was to distracted in my own thoughts to pay attention where I was walking.

"What the fuck! Watch it you little-" The deep voice is all too familiar. I turn around to find Harry, his eyes lacking color, dark circles under them and his face looking a bit slimmer in comparison from only two days ago. He looks exhausted, much like me. "L-Louis, I didn't know it was you." He panics. "I'm- I"m sorry." I swear his eyes are beginning to water but he blinks to wash the tears away. He's hurt.

"Harry we should get going." Niall tells Harry. I was too caught up with Harry that I didn't notice he was with Niall. Harry look over at Liam with a harsh look, then walks away with Niall.

"Why was he with Niall?" I attempt to ask myself that but I blurt it out without thinking.

"He was um, he was probably, they were probably just talking. That's all." Liam stutters with his words. There's something that doesn't add up.

My mind reels through any explanations why they were together. There's one that cold nearly finish breaking me.

"There's a pizza place right there." Liam rushes over to a small pizza parlor, leaving me behind to catch up to him.

It takes me a minute to finally reach him. He's already ordered them and everything. He's sat on a small table waiting on them to bring the food to us, I join him.

"Do you think Niall and Harry have a thing going on?" My question sounds even more ridiculous once it's said out loud. Niall would never do that, not after he gave me that talk about how much I loved Harry.

"No! No, Niall isn't like that. No offense to you but he's not gay, trust me. You can't expect Harry to spend the rest of the time here alone without having fun, do you?" He has a point.

"You're right."

"Well then? You should show him you're having a blast without him too. Show him you're okay." Again he has point. Everyone always seems to be right but me.

Liam's phone stars ringing right as I'm about to talk. He slips the phone out of his pocket, looking at the screen before he answers.

"I have to take this, I'll be right back." Liam says, excusing himself from the place to answer, stepping outside onto the street to have his conversation on the phone.

*Harry's POV*

"What the fuck! Watch it you little-" I yell at the small guy who's just hit me with his shoulder. I wait for the little shit to turn around before I can continue. My eyes widen in shock once I see it's Louis. Fuck this wasn't supposed to happen. "L-Louis, I didn't know it was you." I panic, stepping towards him then back. "I'm- I"m sorry." I can feel my eyes begin to water. I blink rapidly to stop them from causing a scene out here in the street. I don't need Louis to see that I'm complete shit since we've parted. Not that it would matter. He looks a lot like me right now. His eyes lifeless, the dropping of them is worse now. Black, dark circles lie under his eyes. He hasn't slept or eaten. He looks slimmer, not much but I can see the difference.

"Harry we should get going." Niall pulls at my arm. I look over at Liam, giving him one last glance before we leave. He's not doing what he was supposed to.

"Fucking Liam!" I yell, clenching my fists at my side. I wasn't supposed to see Louis or vise versa.

"Fuck man calm down. Just calm him and tell him." I've already taken my phone out by the time he suggests to do so. Fuck this is going wrong.

Niall and I continue walking through the streets, finding our way back to the place me and him are crashing at. I keep the phone pressed to my ear, waiting for Liam to answer. It takes two calls until he finally does, took him long enough.

"What the fuck Liam!" I shout through the speaker. Strangers turn to look at me, almost scared. I motion my hand to them telling them to keep walking.

"How the hell was I supposed to know I'd bump into you in the streets? It's a big city you know?" He's keeping his voice down. Surely he isn't with Louis right now.

"Couldn't you have just stayed back at the hotel?" I keep myself from shouting again, avoiding a scene.

"He looked like he hadn't eaten or gone out of the room. I thought it'd be easier to take him out for a walk." Liam's only trying to help me. I can't piss him off or else everything will be off.

"Fine, but just don't take him out from now on. If we want this to work we can't risk bumping into each other anymore. And if we do it'll end up ruining everything. He'll try to ask me questions, questions that I really don't have the answers to."

"How long will it all take? The whole planning this thing?" Liam lowers his voice a little more.

"Give me three days. I still have to convince the man in charge of the tower's reservations to make some room for mine. Look, I'm going all out for this and I don't want it ruined. Deal?"

"You better hurry your ass up. Sooner or later he'll find up I'm behind this with you and Niall. I'm risking loosing a friend here Harry."

"I know I know. I promise I'll do everything to prevent that from happening." I don't mean it. There's a lot of things that could go wrong but I'm willing to risk them.

"Louis' coming, I'll call you later." He hangs up. I'm crossing my fingers that everything comes out just as planned, praying.

{Please don't forget to vote and comment<3 There's not much to say on here today so I just hope you're all excited to see what's coming next in the story! Thank you for reading and I'll be updating Tuesday, just letting you all know :) What do ya guys think of Liam being in this plan with Niall and Harry? ;)}

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