Chapter 62

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Note: Most of this chapter is Harry's POV and the chapter is basically repeating itself only with Harry's POV, so you guys can skip through what Liam's said already :)

*Louis' POV*

Liam and I finally get to the outside of the man. Although there's something troubling him, but I don't know what.

"Liam is there something wrong?" I stop myself from walking any further into the parking lots. He scratches the back of his head and answers.

"I think I forgot something back there." There's nothing he could have possibly left behind, unless it's his phone? "I think I'm gonna go back and get it." He doesn't sound like himself. 

"I'll go with you." It's the least I can do. He shakes his head and hands me the keys to his car.

"Just wait in the car, I won't take long." He assures. I sigh and head back to his car. 

*Harry's POV*

"Do you know who Harry is?" Louis asks his companion. Why the hell would he know who I am?

"Styles? The one with the reputation." He answers back. No surprise there, everyone refers to me by my fucked up reputation.

"I'm sure his reputation is a lie, some guys just make it seem like it. Harry looks like a good guy." Louis' words make my heart sting, he still thinks that all of that shit is a lie. Only proving that Niall kept his promise about keeping his mouth shut.

"It's real alright." The guy huffs.

"Why do you say that Liam?" Liam? Are you fucking kidding me, out of all people this fucking guy is the one with Louis. I bite the inside of my cheek, making my fist into a ball under the theater chair knowing what's about to come out of his mouth. I swear everything comes back to haunt me, everything. Sam, and this stupid fucking reputation. Nothing will ever leave me alone, nothing will leave me and Louis alone for once. It's always something fucking with mine and Louis' relationship.

"He's the reason why me and my girlfriend broke up." Liam says, looking down. I can see Louis shaking his head in denial, refusing to believe what he's saying. 

"I'm sure he's wasn't." Is Louis seriously defending me?

"Do you wanna know or what?" If Liam talks to Louis again I swear I'll go right down there and bash his head against the seat.

"You're not gonna lie about anything are you?" Louis most likely won't believe him and take my side on this. In reality Liam's going to say the truth, the truth I've been hiding.

"It happened when I first got out of my first surgery. I had been in a hospital bed for about a week after my surgery, me and my girlfriend used to be the 'it' couple. We were voted as 'best couple' in the year book three years in a row. Jen and I had known each other since middle school and hit it off from there. Almost three years into our relationship we finally broke up, all because of Harry. I hadn't seen Jen for a couple days and I was eager to see her. She hadn't come to the hospital during the short time I was there but she said it was because her parents wouldn't let her. I understood so as soon as I was released, I went straight the closest flower shop and bought her a dozen roses, the most expensive ones I could find. Jen kept on telling me how she wanted to loose it to me, and I figured that at that time was the right time, just to get it over with. I bought the roses knowing that would be as romantic as it would get. So after I bought the roses I headed to her house dresses up in my best clothes and with the dozen roses in my hand. I got to her house and opened the door without permission, her parents weren't home because their car's weren't parked out front. So I said, why not just go inside and surprise her, the surprise ended up being for me instead of her." Hospital? Surgery? I know he's not trying to make me feel bad knowing he doesn't even know I'm here. Now that I know where he came from that day only makes me fully aware of how fucked up what I did really was. He had just gotten surgery for fucks sake's. 

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