Sheer fluff

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Ant and dec are 21 in this

Ants pov: I always cook dinner. Dec loves it, but he always offers to cook. Pulling at my shirt and giving me a sappy look. I always cook. No doubt about it he will never cook like me. Let alone for me. It's like my therapy for my stress. We sat down and ate my dinner, and sooner then later we were laying in our bed falling asleep, me in his arms. I don't talk much so falling asleep is easy.
..Later that night..still Ants pov:
I opened my eyes and it was still dark out. Dec not by my side. I was kinda scared and my feet started to shake. Where is Dec? I gripped the covers into my fists and pulled the sheets up to my chest in fear. I slowly got out of bed and inched my way to the hall. My lip quivered because I was getting a panic attack.  I hate the dark. I walked to the edge of where the hall ended and looked out over the edge of the wall. I saw Dec talking to Stephen in a whisper. I just watched in silence, what did he want so late. Suddenly Stephens lips interlocked with Decs, and their chests pushed against each other. The worst part about watching my husband do this was that he didn't fight it. My eyes filled with tears and I slid to floor sobbing. I looked up and saw Dec pushed Stephen off him and ran over to me. I hugged myself in the fetal position and sobbed. He sat on the floor next to me and said "I didn't want it." Suddenly I jolted awake tears rolling down my face and Dec woke up beside me. It was all a nightmare. He sat up and gently hugged me. My breath was heavy and I choked up as I started to cry into Decs neck. He held me tight allowing me to cry. He turned the TV on and I fell asleep in Decs lap calm. He next morning Dec asked me why I was afraid he would leave me. I told him everything about my dad. How he left me with my mum and never came back. How he cheated on my mum. Dec then cooked me breakfast for the first time...

He burnt the eggs a bit, but I still love him.

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