26. The Unexpected Guest...

Start from the beginning

"I'll be back," he murmured before racing the in direction of the crowd at the center of room. Luckily I was the only one left at the bar. People came but to order and then leave with drinks in both hands; one for their spouses and one for themselves.

Where they had a company of their mates, I was left abandoned at the bar. Tragic and very cliche. Tears had began to flood my tears at the thought. Well, at least nothing was holding me back from getting drunk -not even my Mate. My cheeks started to flush as I drank the last shot and turned my stool in the direction of the crowd centered in the middle.

Kaden reappeared from the midst of the crowd, gently steering his way around group of people. Damon was no where to be seen as always and so was Stephanie.

My heart quietly broke at the thought of them both being absent at the same time.

"It means my dear sister, you are on the early stages of falling in love." Xavier's words came barging in, making me curse as I chucked the glass in hand towards the crowd.

"Whoa," Kaden caught the glass mid air without any effort and lowered it before anyone could take notice. "I don't think hurdling glasses at our guest is considered as good hospitality."

He took his seat besides me again, silently looking at me as I wiped my wet eyes. "Shut up."

"Hey," he pulled my face towards his towers his clear vivid eyes. "What's wrong?"

"God, I might sound crazy," I confess with a tiring sigh, pulling myself away from him and hanging my head in my hands. "Who is Stephanie?"

"Wh-wait. Hold up," he stammered, clearly taken back my question. "Stephanie? That has you upset? Well, you were right about one thing. You were right about the sounding crazy part. I am seconds away from calling the mental hospital on you by the way."

My lips betray me as I left a smile faintly appear. "Yes, now stop rubbing it in. Will you speak or not?"

"Okay fine, I surrender," he swings his hands up mockingly. "I will, but have this."

He passes a wine glass with some deep red substance. My eye peeks up skeptically. "Blood?"

"Oh please. Only savages, some illegal cannibals and Edward Cullen, can have that stuff and stay sane but for proper, classic people like us, we have wine." He swiftly grabs another glass for himself from a passing waiter, without him even noticing.

Clearly shocked and amused, I rise my own glass to his. "To proper, classic people like us."

Our glasses clink and we drain them quickly without another word. Kaden remained unaffected like it was an everyday thing for him but I was panting afterwards.

Unlike vodka or whiskey or anything I've had in the past few minutes or so, where I received a jolt of energy as an aftermath, the wine was oddly light, and relieving in some sense. "Hmpt."

"Stephanie is Damon's oldest and most cunning as well as deceiving girlfriend till date," Kaden spoke gently as if he were retelling an old forgotten story. "They go back to when Damon was still young and when he was handed down the title of Alpha. He was only 14 at the time, where she was 11. She was Damon's dad, the old Alpha's Gamma's daughter, so they knew each other since birth really. After Damon's parents death, many other were killed, including Stephanie's own parents by other rival Packs that thought they could claim it as their own. There was a war even in which we were victorious and since then Damon and Stephanie have been a thing."

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