Chapter Six ✓

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THE SWAN HOUSEHOLD WAS quiet last night, considering that it was Bella's wedding day the next afternoon. Nova wanted to do something special for her cousins big day tomorrow, but her age didn't exactly help in her situation. She couldn't exactly throw a bachelorette for her older cousin, and she didn't know who to invite anyways. So that was out of the picture. Instead Charlie ordered burgers and fries for the girls and himself. He brought it home and they had a nice dinner at their house, they watched tv until 11:00 together. Just like Alice said, Bella needed her beauty sleep. The girls went to bed and Nova fell asleep on the couch one last time until she took over Bella's room. She was just too excited for that.

She had enough of the couch even though it was only for a few nights. It was comfy but Nova preferred a bed over a couch. When everyone woke up the next morning Nova made breakfast along with Charlie's help.

Charlie not being the greatest cook, of course he had to burn the toast in the toaster. Nova shoved him more bread and popped it in. Charlie liked spending time with his niece and daughter, it made him happy. It made him happy knowing that the two girls  wanted to spend time with him. Once they cleaned up Bella gave Nova and Charlie a hug and she was on her way to the Cullen's place to get ready for her big day.

Nova was getting ready at home, but she'll meet up with the rest there. She walked upstairs and peeked inside Bella's room. Boxes were placed everywhere, ready for Bella to move out. Nova smiled, ready for this to be her own room for her stay here. She loved the light blue colours of Bella's walls, the laced curtains around the window, and the hardwood floor.

She's going to be happy to call this room her own.

Nova headed to the bathroom with her makeup and curling wand. She plans on wearing her hair down and curling it. She began to get ready for her cousins wedding by starting with her makeup. As soon as she was finished, she did her hair and it was time for the dress.


Seth was in his room trying to tie up his tie. He wasn't very good at this, it was usually his father who helped him with these kind of things. Since he died, he's been doing these things on his own.

Frustrated, he let out a groan and threw the tie on the ground. "Stupid!" He kicked some old books that were on his floor across the room.

His concerned sister Leah, was knocking on his door. "Seth?" She called, hoping he'd led her in.

Seth sighed and said, "What do you want?"

"Let me in."

Rolling his eyes, he had no choice but to open the door.

He looked at Leah and she had a regular old t-shirt and shorts on. "Looks like you're not going to the wedding," Seth said, pointing out the obvious while taking a look at his sister.

"Of course not. I don't know why you are, I mean, I know you're going because of-" "Oh, just give it a rest, Leah." Leah rolled her eyes and walked over to where Seth threw his tie down. She picked it up and walked back over to him, tying it and placing it where it needed to be.

"Thanks." Seth fixed the collar of his shirt.

"No problem."

"What's her name?" Seth looked at Leah before he glanced in the mirror to make sure everything was in place.


"Come on, Seth. Don't do that. I know you imprinted. What's her name?" Seth decides wether or not he should tell her. "N-" "I'm sorry, what?" Seth rolled his eyes. "Nova." Realization hit Leah's face. "Wait, Nova? As in Nova Swan?" Seth nods.

"Yeah..." Leah smiled a little, looking at her younger brother. She only wants best for him and she knows that Nova is exactly that type of girl for him.

"That's great, Seth. I'm happy for you."

"Thanks..." He was beyond happy that he imprinted, now he just has to find the correct and right way to tell her. He just doesn't know how to yet. He doesn't want to tell her now, and he doesn't want to scare her. He especially doesn't want Nova to leave town because of it. He does not want that for her. "Ask her to dance. Nova likes dancing." Seth raised a eyebrow.

"Why don't you just come? You can talk to her." "I'm not friends with the Cullen's. You know that, Seth. I know you and Edward have... bonded." Leah cringed at that thought.

"I hope you have a good time." Seth gives Leah a smile before she shut the door behind her.

Seth sighed, turning around and looking in the mirror. "I can do this," he whispered. "Just ask her to dance. She loves dancing. Ask her questions. What's her dreams for the future- no, I can't ask that, that'd be stupid," He shook his head. Seth mentally slapped himself in the face. "Come on, Seth. Don't be an idiot." With that final speech he gave himself, he looked one last time in the mirror and left before he could give himself another one of his cringy pep talks.

His Imprint ↠ Seth Clearwater ✓ Where stories live. Discover now