Chapter 16- Curious

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Blaiden’s P.O.V

I walked out the door and was met with a smell. I wasn’t really sure what the smell was but I’ve grown used to it over the years. The space smelled like freshly mown grass and cold wind. It sounds unpleasant but it was actually quite a quaint smell. Well, considering a bunch of werewolves are living here it’s better than it usually is.

I covered my eyes from the sun as I closed the front door behind me. Even though it was almost dark, rays of sunshine shone through the trees and over the open distance of the lake. I guess the wind probably blew the warmth of the sun away because it was still cold as hell, none the less.

I hastily walked away from the house and towards my pack members that were getting ready at the corner of the lake. There were a lot of them; more than I had expected to come and risk their lives in a forest which I’m guessing by now is probably overrun by rogues. The thing is that it’s not some Dominant who is being a pain, a tired Middle-rank or an abused Sub that has ran away from the pack to seek refuge in the forest. It’s my little brother who is known as the hot-headed rebellious Sub who seems to defy authority. And that really is the cherry on top of the sundae

“Blaiden!” I stopped walking and turned around to face the middle-aged woman who was lightly jogging towards me. Her name is Demeter. Not a very elegant name but a powerful one all the same. In this pack, we’re lucky that the majority of the population that aren’t Dominant men or  Subs are strong females who could easily crush a man’s head if they tried. It’s in their genes probably and what’s a powerful person without a powerful name? Not much according to werewolves.

A lot of werewolf culture is based around the Ancient Greeks and Romans, especially the hierarchy. That time is when our species really blossomed and stood their ground as not to be messed with. A lot of names are adapted from that century, especially female names. Demeter is an example of that. From what I can remember, Demeter was the name of a Goddess who specializes in farming or something like that. I don’t really care.

Demeter stopped in front of me and pulled a strand of her hair behind her ear.

“I have a boat.” She said. I raised my eyebrows at her.

“So?” I replied. She scowled at me but kept her cool.

So I can bring you across the lake to start looking. Get a heads start on the opposite side.” I weighed up the options in my head. If I went with her then I face the possibility of actually having to have a conversation with her as well as the possible outcome of an ambush of about two hundred against two. But if I didn’t, then I would follow the rest and we would be chasing each other tails. I inwardly groaned.

“Fine, but please tell me it’s not some rowing boat.” I said

As it turns out Demeter’s boat is the opposite. As we began to walk toward the wooden quay she pointed out a sleek, metallic boat among the other rowing boats. Over the sounds of the creaking, waterlogged floorboards of the quay, you could just hear the small waves splashing against the side of the quay and the boats bobbing up and down in the water. It surprisingly calmed me, given the situation. We approached her boat and stopped.

“Climb in.” She looked at me like I was stupid and I had to hold in a growl again.

“Thanks.” I muttered. The boat rocked from side to side beneath me as I climbed in and I had to lean on the side to keep my balance and to stop from falling on my face. She gracefully climbed in after me after untying the rope that was connecting the boat to the quay. She sat beside me on the plastic seats that were slightly wet from dew and the rain and made herself comfortable. I’ve never actually been in a proper boat before so I almost jumped out of my skin as the engine roared to life.

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