Chapter 6- The Beta

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Chapter 6

The Beta

“You fool!” My father shouted as he flung me into the house. He and my brothers followed. I whimpered as my bruised body made contact with the hard wooden floor. I could hear footsteps beside me but I didn’t dare look into my father’s eyes. I couldn’t face it. I couldn’t face him. All I wanted to do was to know what’s going on. To be equal, but instead I’m whimpering at my father’s feet. Suddenly, A hard blow was dealt down upon me and I screamed. My side was bruised as hell already and I could feel more joining the collection. More tears streamed down my face as another blow rained down on me. My breaths came out as uneven, quick pants as I tried to work off the pain.

“Do you know how much danger you put yourself in!” He screamed. I sobbed and covered my face as he hit me again. I could feel the sting from the area where he’d whacked me with something. A stick? A cane? I was honestly too scared to look up and check.

“I’m sorry!” I gasped. Another hit. Another blow. Another whack came down on my naked body. I tried covering myself but the ruthless man just shoved me onto my back again with the sole of his bare foot.

“You’re sorry? Fucking sorry you brat?” he dropped his foot down on my chest and I sobbed again. I opened my eyes and saw the man I now fear looming over me. His eyes cold. His expression screwed into an expression of pure anger. I laid my head back against the floor and raised my shaking hands to my face. Wipe the tears away or cover my face. Give me some sort of pride in not letting him see me cry.

“Dad.” A voice sighed. It was strained with anger and disappointment. “At least let Olive put some clothes on first,” I didn’t need to open my eyes to know who spoke. The only man in this god forsaken house with some decency.

“Clothes? Why the fuck would the little bitch need clothes?” Dad snarled eying Thaddeus. “I bet he likes it.” I could feel his gaze burning into me as I sobbed. “All of this attention. You thrive from it don’t you Oliver.” Oliver. No one has called me that in years. I opened my eyes and looked to my side. My vision is blurred as I shift my pleading eyes onto Thaddeus. Bladen was standing beside him, arms crossed, staring at me. “That’s what you’re after right? All eyes on you, huh? I bet you’re getting off on this aren’t you.” He reached down and grabbed me, pulling me up by my hair. His cane rested under his armpit. My fingers desperately clawed at his as I felt the burning feeling in my scalp. He knew full well that I couldn’t move my leg without falling to the group in tears. Or any other body part currently.

I forgot about even remotely covering myself as my father held me up for my brothers to see.

“Well, is he?” He snarled in my ear.

“Father.” Bladen said. “You’re taking this too far-” He was cut off by me letting out a loud sob as he pulled on my hair harder. Thaddeus strode towards us, worry etched in his features. He was glancing from my naked body to father and back again. He reached forward to pull me away from him but my Father only shoved him back sending him stumbling into Bladen’s chest.

Bladen’s arms unfolded to steady the slightly smaller boy. He looked from Thaddeus who looked on the verge of crying to Father. Bladen straightened Thaddeus up and placed a hand on his shoulder.

“Jailbait’s learned his lesson, Dad.” He glanced over my naked, bleeding form and his glare returned to our Father.  I could feel the rise and fall of his chest behind me as he took deep, angry breaths in and out. “Yeah, he left when he wasn’t meant to. He fucked up on a lot of stuff but he’s you’re son. Your son that you’re fucking beating on the floor naked.” Father loosened his grip on my hair and flung me into Bladen’s arms with a huff. Before I hit the ground Bladen’s arms wrapped around me holding me up. I coughed out painful and tearful sobs. I leaned against Bladen’s strong, brick-like body and leaned against him. Letting all my weight fall forward.

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