Chapter 2- The Quarrelsome Sub

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Chapter 2

The Quarrelsome Sub

“No means no, Jailbait.” Bladen, my older brother said. He stomped down the stairs and I followed persistently, taking the steps two at a time. He flicked off his shoes and socks and then glanced at me. “Don’t look at me like that; you know why you can’t go. Pack meetings are for dominants only.” He exaggerated the word dominant and I rolled my eyes. I’m tired of this. If I want to go to pack meetings then I will. The last time I checked I was a part of the pack just as much as any dominant. I have way more ideas to offer than Bladen anyway.

“I could go with you, I’ll stay quiet I promise.” Bladen meandered around me and out into the small garden where Tiberius, our Father was waiting for Bladen.

“You stay quiet? I doubt that, boy. You ready, Blade’?” Tiberius was dressed similar to his son. No shoes or socks, shirtless, wearing only shorts. It was usual for werewolves to dress like that. It was easier to shift into our wolf forms. Humans would think it quite strange for a man in his late forties and his son to be wearing shorts, and frankly, I did as well. Me, on the other hand. I was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a slipknot t-shirt that had the sides cut out, proudly displaying my large ribs tattoo. My father and Bladen both disapproved of my choice of body modifications, especially since I was underage. They say I rush into it and it’s true. I did. But, I could die tomorrow and never get to live my life to the fullest. 

“Yo, Douche canoe. Are you even listening to Father?” Bladen asked. I shook my long hair out of my eyes and looked back at them.

“Hmm? Yes, dearest?” I said. Bladen chuckled and shook his head.

“You will stay here. Keep the door locked and do not open it to anybody, except myself, Bladen or Thaddeus-“

“Dad.” I sighed.

“Don’t you dare interrupt me.” He scowled.

“I apologize.”

“I’m leaving you with the responsibility of taking care of Alec-“

“Dad, he’s like fourteen years old. He doesn’t need babysitting.”

“What did I just say, boy?”

“Sorry Father.” I smiled.

“If I even see you around the forest you will be in BIG trouble. Got it?” I hesitantly nodded. “Okay.” He huffed and brushed off his shorts. “You ready?” He turned to face Bladen and he nodded. “We’ll be back in an hour or two. Stay safe.”

I watched with envy as my family’s silhouettes disappeared into the forest. It’s so unfair. I was as much of a wolf as they were. I retreated back into the house to make myself a hot chocolate and then sat down, kicked my shoes off and turned on the TV.

Very breezy this evening with heavy rain gradually falling in the north and east. Generally wet overnight with lowest temperatures of 4 to 6 degrees.

I sighed as the elderly and drab weatherwoman made weird hand gestures, telling me the weather which I couldn’t be less interested about knowing. Tiberius and Bladen are going to have a ball running home in the heavy rain. I made a mental note to keep the door locked. The pack meeting would be getting started in about a half hour by the time that everyone made their way through the forest and got settled. I sighed. I should be there. And so should the other subs. The fact that they let dominants walk all over them annoyed me beyond belief. We were born to submit, but still. This is stupid. If I want to go, I will. A bunch of brutes with their head up each other’s asses will not stop me from knowing what is happening in my own home pack. I’ll hide outside and not let anyone see me, and then I’ll leave before the rest so I’ll get back in time. Back in time to become the perfect House Sub that my father always wanted me to be. Alec is sleeping upstairs; he won’t even notice I was gone

Standing back up I stretched and grabbed the house keys. Putting my empty mug in the sink I made my way outside I locked the door and put the keys under a plant pot for easy access when I got back.

Dominants here I come.


This was a bad idea. A bad, not thought through idea. I wish I’d have put a jumper on a hood could have offered me some protection as I not so gracefully stomped through the forest. Tumbling over logs and swerving around thick branches ninja-style. My hands were covered in mud and moss which really wasn’t increasing my mood. But I proceeded through the dense, damp forest. I decided to stay off the trail made by rangers and workers for the locals. I think the hikers would be quite startled if they saw a wet, scrawny teenager moping through the forest grumbling to himself. I’d been walking for about an hour, roughly keeping an eye on the track as I went.

 Finally, my distressing quest to the same place that I had been going to since I was born had paid off. I hunched over beside a large, moist log and exhaled. Trying to get my breath back. I surveyed my surroundings. A large cave was situated in front of me. Trees and moss had covered most of it. It would have gone unseen by most humans, but I wasn’t most humans. Partially due to the fact that I’m not even a human. A large group of black wolves had stopped patrolling the perimeter and had their eyes glued to mine.

“Who goes there?” A red wolf demanded harshly.

“Relax, Toryn. It’s Thaddeus’ boy.” One wolf with black fur and red markings stated. The others relaxed slightly. “Come out, what are you doing so far from your house? Your brothers and Father are already inside.”

I emerged from behind the log and stepped forward and patted my mossy palms against my jeans. I stepped closer and nodded to the group of dominates. Most of them nodded back because they were my Father’s friends. A couple scowled at me, not used to the blatant lack of respect that I was showing. Most subs bow and submit their superior but thinking about it only makes me cringe.

“What are you doing here without your mate?” Another wolf which I didn’t recognise queried.

“I’m here to see some friends.” I said. It wasn’t a complete lie, I was here to see friends. Just without them knowing I was there.

“Let him through.” The first wolf spoke.

The wolves parted, allowing me to walk through into the dimply lit cave.

 It’s time for business. 

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