Chapter 12- Feeding

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Chapter 12


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I slowly lowered myself down onto the stones that surrounded the lake. About fifteen of my kind came into view and I couldn’t help but feel nervous. Sure, I’m just as strong as them but this many temperamental wolves in the one area shouldn’t be good. 

“Sidney, you’re late.” Richard came and stood behind me. Even though Sidney isn’t my name, he is still very persistent about called me it. Now that I think about it, Sid isn’t my real name either but who really cares about formalities.

“Spying on Loverboy again, eh?” I didn’t reply. “If I had known that the kid would have made you so happy then I would never have brought him to you in the first place.” Richard looks up at me and smiles like he just told me the funniest joke to have ever been not funny. I look down at him, at almost being 6’5 I usually tower over most people, including my ‘Loverboy’. I have to hold in a sigh just looking at him. He always knows how to make me depressed. Sometimes even not by saying anything, just being Richard. The fact that my stomach was about to join the Opera with all the noise it was making was a clear sign that I’m hungry. Richard should know not to mess with me when I’m hungry.

“Bet you’re just jealous because you’ve only got me for company.” I said. He chuckles lightly.

“At least I don’t creep at me from behind trees.” He replied. Ouch.

“I creep at you from behind trees all the time.”

“Good to know.”

A woman spoke up from across the lake. “We need to decide about how to kill these rogues.” I looked over at her. Black hair flowed around her shoulders and her cheekbones looked like they could cut glass. Her muscles were defined and bold but the feature that stuck out most was her red, glowing eyes. What was it that the others had called the recently changed wolves? Newborns? No, that’s from Twilight. If they are actually called newborns then I’m afraid that I’ve lost the small amount of faith in my species.

“We don’t even know if these rogues are a threat yet, Annabel.” A woman beside me said. Unlike her friend, her eyes didn’t give the appearance that she had gone fifteen years without sleep.

“They’ve killed the Alphas son. The bastards across the mountain are taking it as a direct threat to the… royal family, I guess.” Vampire. No wolf would refer to their own family species as bastards, not matter how bastard-ish they might be. I’m guessing she had been changed from a vamp to… this. Unlike me, her resentment was still strong for the wolf race. I, on the other hand, decide not to dwell too much on the past. Probably a couple billion years ago now to be exact

“The Alpha’s branch, Ana.”

“Whatever. We need to eliminate the rogues. How many of them are there?”

“Hundreds.” That seemed to shut everybody up. Well, those who were talking anyway.

“That’s impossible.” Richard spoke up for the first time. “One rogue can hardly co-operate with another, never mind a couple hundred of them.” Richard can hardly co-operate with one person never mind a rogue.

“They’re gathering up north.” The non- vampy woman said. “Only God knows how the hell they’ve pulled it off without killing each other.”

“What are we going to do, then?” The black haired woman said. That’s the Million Dollar Question, isn’t it Annabel?

“We don’t have enough numbers to take them on. Even with the support of the packs a couple miles east.” The black haired woman who had spoken first hugged two younger boys to her side. They both had blonde hair and skinny, fragile builds. I’m guessing they’re Lowbloods from their unintimidating appearance. It wasn’t unusual for higher class male or female vampires to take lower blooded vampires as lovers. Having more than one is also very common. I would have gone ‘aww’ when they snuggled into her side but it was just so damn creepy to watch.

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