Chapter 13- Brotherly Love

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Chapter 13

Brotherly Love

I realized, after tripping over a pile of laundry on the hall stairs, that I have no friends. Now, it wasn’t that event that triggered such a dramatic thought in my brain, it was the fact that I had been thinking about it before I had been attacked by Blaiden’s dirty t-shirts. Okay, maybe attacked is a bit of an exaggeration. Not that friends are really important anyway. It’s the fact that I’m required to have them by social necessity. Is it the social norm for werewolves to have friends? Yes. Do I have any? Maybe not. Even Blaiden and Thaddeus have friends, and they’re always miserable. They can be miserable with each other as opposed to flying solo, like yours truly. Alec doesn’t need any friends. He’s not considered to be an actual human being when the hierarchy is concerned. I guess I’m not either, if you really want to dig so deep into it. I just really want friends.

Then a thought came to me.

I do have friends…a friend. Just the one will have to do me. Getting back onto the subject of social norms and hierarchy, I really don’t think he’s my friend. He’s my best friend. According to my own logic if a person only has one friend then technically that person would be your best friend. And what a great best friend Sid is. If this is what friendship feels like then count me in.  I don’t know how Sid feels about all of this though, and I couldn’t help to think back to the first time that I had met my Best Friend beside the lake. He called me cute. He prefers me over Pop-tarts. He gave me his pants. We shared cigarettes together. We shared a tree together… well shit. He’s infatuated with me. Completely obsessed. Head over paws in love with me. What else could it be obviously. 

Who needs friendship when you can have a relationship? He doesn’t.

I should probably keep my distance then, from my only friend. It’s always the people who have the best intentions that always end up hurting you the most. At least with people who are dicks you can prepare yourself. Their actions meet your expectations and it doesn’t affect you because you knew it was going to happen from the beginning. But friends are meant to be your friend and you cast a blind eye over all the shit that they do because you’ve grown used to it over the years. Coming from the point of view of a guy who has no friends I really shouldn’t know what I’m talking about.

It’s terrifying to think that friends actually aren’t physical. Sure, they’re people and you can touch them but friends don’t exist. There’s no such thing. It’s not even an emotion. It’s a word.

It’s just a thing that’s not real and that makes the guy who has no friends quite sad.

I don’t usually surprise myself at meal times with my own thoughts but now I’m quite impressed with myself. My brain should be in a John Green book. Just my brain, nothing else.

I idly poured my cereal into a blue bowl that had the scum of crumbs on the bottom and was chipped on the left side. Everything in this house is either broken or my Dad’s. In both cases, unusable. I decided to not add milk as I sat down at the kitchen table and picked at the cereal with a bent fork. Adding milk would have felt too strange considering it’s almost three o’clock. I’ve always found it strange how the time of day affects the food that we eat. Who invented the food? Who invented what time it should be eaten at? I would like to have a long conversation with both people, if possible. Why can’t I have toast for dinner? Dinner for breakfast? So much food, so little time to eat it all. Well not for the people who live in the cave. For them it’s meat, meat, meat.

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