Chapter 10- Domestic Dominants

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Chapter 10

Domestic Dominants

It was like someone had pulled a heavy as hell black curtain over everyone in the pack. The death of Leonard hung heavy on everyone, especially the Alpha. Everyone knew that he was completely heartbroken after his only son and heir to the massive burden of taking care of us lot, was murdered. Everyone thinks that it was done by rogues and now the guards are prowling around making it impossible to enter or leave the cave.

Luckily for me though, I’ve moved back into the house with my delightful family again. My Daddy has finally copped on and realized that putting an unstable ginger (me) into a cave without Wi-Fi or contact with my friends, with Asher who I’m not sure whether he’s my cousin or just a ‘close family friend’ along with his douche of an abusive fiancé…mate? I don’t even know anymore. I think they done the do a couple weeks ago but I truly haven’t been bothered to know about my possible family member’s sex life, however obvious it is to the rest of the pack. Either way, they now know it was a bad idea.

The worst part about this whole ordeal is that I had to pretend like I actually cared about the man that was going to screw up the pack in years to come, just because he’s a twat that doesn’t care about anything but himself and his authority.

I was snapped out of my own thoughts as Alec entered the kitchen. His blonde hair was disheveled and it hung lazily over one eye and his grey track-suit bottoms hung loosely around his small waist. I would have barely noticed him entering the room if it wasn’t for the fact that I was sitting at the table, facing the door.

Alec does that, slips by and tries to make no noise. If anyone talked to him he would tense up and grit his teeth, like it was actually painful for him to speak. He didn’t have any phobias or fears. Just his family. He was the most perfect little submissive in everyone’s opinion, even my father. ‘You should be seen and not heard’. That’s what my dad used to tell the two of us growing up. He listened. I didn’t.

Mom always took our side though. That’s the most I can remember about her now. We were both so alike and so different at the same time. Kind of like in Harry Potter when everyone says that Harry has his mother’s eyes. I have my mother’s fire. Her personality. The only thing left of her now.

I’m surprised that my brothers aren’t awake yet. Usually they’re up before dawn, chopping wood and teeth. Fulfilling their roles as dominants. I stood up from the hard, wooden kitchen chair that was disfiguring my already scrawny ass and made my way to my brother’s room. Yes, they shared a room. Which they surprisingly didn’t mind, considering me and Alec had our own. I stepped over the laundry, newspapers and other bits that were on the floor and knocked once on the pale, white door. A house full of men is not going to clean itself as much as me and Alec would like it to. I opened the door, deciding that waiting more than two and a half seconds for one of them to reply was simply preposterous.

“Sup bitches.” I yawned. The two of them were sitting on the same bed, still in their pajamas and they were both leaning against the headboard lazily, an old Dell laptop sat on Thaddeus’ thighs.

“Get out.” Bladen sighed. 

“Good morning.” I replied. I moved a pile of dirty clothes from a stool in the corner and sat down. Bladen glared at me. He was still pissed off about the whole crying and then running into the forest kind of thing, while leaving them to take the blame. Apparently a couple pissed off guards reporting for duty to the Alpha for no apparent reason got everyone slightly irritated but who cares? It’s not like they’re doing their job to be a good citizen or anything. As close as they can get to the Alpha’s ass to kiss it, they’ll go.

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