Chapter 9- Our Tree

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Chapter 9

Our Tree

“You fucker.” He sighs. He looks up… or down at me. Being in the awkward position that we are right now it’s kind of the same thing.

“The fuck did I do?”  

“Why couldn’t who have stayed at the cave?”

“Well, when a person usually dies I kind of want to know what’s going on. Wait, how did you know I was at the cave?”

“You live there, perhaps.”

“I don’t live there, perhaps. I live in a house.”

“No shit.”

I came to the (obvious) sudden realization that I was still on top bottom of him. I shuffled uneasily underneath him and he seemed to get the message because he crawled off me. He sighed. Again. He looked at me, trying to hold back a smile.

“What’s so funny?” I asked.

“I was just stalking those creepers, dude. The fucked up shit they were doing.” He didn’t care to explain the ‘fucked up shit’ he just sat back and brushed himself off, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes.

“That’s a nice tree.” He said. I follow his gaze and look behind me in confusion. Of course, the tree. The one that he broke my back with, I remember. I dragged myself on my hands and knees closer to the trunk. I slap a hand on it, turning back to look at him.

“That’s some nice, hard wood.” I said. He looked at me, his smile reaching his eyes.

“You can imagine what I want to do in this tree with you.”

“I can only imagine.”

This guy is actually surprisingly strong. He hoisted me up into the tree and then climbed up after me. I stood on the branch above him, looking around.

“As much as I like your butt, I don’t want it in my face.”

 “Oh, right sorry.” I use my arms to lift myself up onto the next branch. He climbs onto the branch and up we go. When I imagined all the things we were going to do in the tree, climbing was definitely one of them. I perched myself on a branch that was sticking out from the bark and waited for him to ungracefully slide his way through the gap between two branches before perching between them, his head on his knee. He looked at me. I looked back. He blinked.

“I think we need to talk about some stuff.”

“You first.”

“Why do you go there?” He said. I noticed for the first time how he spoke. He talked fast with a slight slur, like he was always excited or happy about something. “Outside the cave. I mean.”

What? How does he know I go there? The little shit; I bet he’s been watching me.

“And how do you know I go there?” I asked, I couldn’t help the annoyed tone that crept into my voice.

“Calm your tits.” He laughed. “I stalk you, that’s all.” Why am I not surprised?

“I’m flattered. No one’s ever stalked me before.”

“You’re flattened? What?”

“Flattered.” I exasperated.

“Flattered!” He mocked. He scrunched his face up and squealed.

No one said anything after that and we just kind of looked at each other. It wasn’t an awkward stare either. It was one of those stares where you see your friend and you just stare knowing neither of you will mind. 

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