My gaze slides to the mark on her neck. My mark.

They always change her into a shirt that I can easily see my mark from whenever I visit. It calms my beasts and I somehow. The discoloration on her skin has finally disappeared, so I can see the indents of skin where I had sunk my teeth in her for the second time. They are quite large considering the size of my teeth and the area reeks of my scent so strongly it has me grinning inside.

Her heartbeat speeds up as I walk closer, making me chuckle slightly. Whenever I visit her, this is the reaction I get. Nobody else receives the same one, I have been told. She would lay still and her heartbeat would be slow and steady if anyone else came by to see her. It's like she knows I'm in the room, like she waits for me.

"My moon knows I'm here, doesn't she?" I coo in her ear as I lean over her to press a kiss to her forehead, like I always do.

She remains still as I pick up her hand whilst taking a seat in a nearby chair. I stare at her for quite some time, wondering if today will be the day she'll wake up. When I marked her again, I had feared the worst as had she. I don't know what is going on with her and the reason for her long slumber. I crave to know, for if I did, I would search far and wide for the cure.

It has been about two weeks now, that she is still in a coma. It's also the longest time she has been quiet. Aurora has the tendency to chatter away without a care in the world. It irks me sometimes how easily she can make a person feel at home, by just stepping forward and talking to them. My cheeky little spitfire always saves her stubbornness for me though, not that I ever complain. She makes me see a new side to life, a side that is colorful and bright; just like her.

Moon Goddess only knows how much I miss her.

Sighing, I shake my head and press a soft kiss to her knuckles. "I'm sorry it took me so long to come visit you again. I've been a bit of a mess ever since you slipped into a coma."

She never replies and it breaks something inside me. Inhaling sharply, I gaze at her serene face with sadness. It has been two weeks without seeing those beautiful grey eyes of hers or her smile. Fourteen days without being able to feel her wrap her arms around me, hear her laughter or glare at her for pulling yet another prank. Three hundred and thirty-six hours without being able to feel her soft lips against mine. Twenty thousand, one hundred and sixty minutes without her petite frame clutching on to me whilst she sleeps.

"I miss you..." I trail off in a whisper, blinking away the tears rapidly. "Every day that goes by, I miss you so much more. Why aren't you waking up? It's been so long, baby."

I stand and sit down on the bed beside her, her sweet scent filling my senses. Leaning down, I press my face into the crook of her neck and inhale deeply. Pressing a kiss to her cold, soft skin, I murmur incoherent things to her. Filling her in on what's been going on ever since she fell into this state.

"We can go somewhere during Winter break if you'd like?" I keep talking, trying to push the fact that she is silent to the back of my mind. "Would that make you happy? You love going on adventures. I have this wooden lodge out in Alaska, we can take a trip up there, just you and me. Won't that be nice, sweetheart? Alaska is amazing during wintertime; you might even see the Northern Lights! Yes, that sounds good. You've always gone on about wanting to see the Northern Lights. We could stay there after Christmas too until school starts back up again. You'll like it, Моя любовь." (My love.)

I ramble on about all the things we can do and see, managing to fall asleep next to her. Her scent is comforting, soothing me into a deep slumber that I never have when in the cells. I try using my dream-walking abilities on her again, but her mind is blank, like a wall is up and acting as a barrier.

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