seventeen. love is for children

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( seventeen. love is for children )

»»————- ★ ————-««

"We are running out of time."

"You're overreacting. Look, you still have 52% percent."

"I am halfway through my life now!"

"You mean you're halfway through your death now."

"For God's sake, Stark."

"Kidding. Wait, wait—please, don't kill me. Wait!"

Natasha rolled her eyes, putting down the pen she was holding on his desk. "I'm not going to kill you. I don't have my knives on me so you're safe."

"But you had a pen."

She raised an eyebrow.

"Never mind." He stood up from his seat to lean against his desk. "We're still having the same problem since day one. There isn't enough of a power source to get your watch cooking. Obviously, we can try by doing what we did during Project Rebirth, which is dimming half the light in Brooklyn but I doubt we can get everyone to agree on that. Even if I'm the government's number one weapon's contractor."

Of course, we can't.

Natasha sighed, rubbing her temples. How were they going to find a powerful source that matches the power of an infinity stone without causing enough of a trouble? She doubts that anything here in 1943 can harness a power equivalent to that.


Unless it's another infinity stone too.

Her eyes widened in realization.

Oh. My. Lord.

"The tesseract..." She said absentmindedly.

Howard looked at her with confusion. "The what?"

She met his eyes. "The Tesseract. It... it makes perfect sense! I was sent here with the help of an infinity stone, then it would only be ideal that I would be sent back with the help of an infinity stone too. It would harness a power enough to generate these space-time molecules whatever and get me back home."

"Hold up. Hold up. What's an infinity stone?" he asked.


"Is it an actual stone or... "

Well, it's out there. There's no point in lying about it now. And now that she thought of the solution for her problem, there was no way she was letting this slip now. Not when she was this close to getting back home.

"It's a stone that came from the Gods." She said, trying to keep it as vague as possible. "At least that's what I've been told. I don't understand it much either. I just know it's powerful and dangerous."

Just when he thought this thing couldn't get weird enough as it is. He let out a puff of breath. "Okay, so I'm going to pretend that this is real because I really have no other choice than to believe it. You're saying these stones... they're the source of power of the time machine?"

𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐟𝐟 [ romanogers¹ ]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang