bonus chapter: steve's pov

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note: let me clear up that what you'll be reading is an event that happened after the timeline was changed (which means natasha was already sent back to the past). so basically we're gonna be finding out what steve's thoughts are during all of this, and an overview of what steve and nat's relationship's like before she... came back. you'll get it once you read it below.

warning: i'm sorry if there are some major plot holes in my story lol i tried my best to add some scientific explanations regarding time traveling and all that but... obviously i'm a writer not a scientist, pls don't hate me :>

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( b o n u s  c h a p t e r : s t e v e ' s  p o v )

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Steve had always thought life was easy, and that time was something he could easily control. 

Apparently, he was wrong.

He always knew how he wanted to live his life. He had already planned how to live his life. He would enlist (no matter how many goddamn times it would take him), serve in the army, then probably get a few tips from Bucky on how to talk to women, go dancing with a few dames (he figured he'd no longer be scrawny at this point), find himself the right partner, marry her, have a family, and grow old together.

That was the original plan, and how Steve wished it was only that easy.

Time messed him up, and life threw his plans completely out of the window.

Having thought he had already given up his life when he chose to crash that plane down in the ice to save millions of people, to say he was shocked when he woke up seventy years later was merely an understatement.

He wasn't shocked nor surprise. No. He was way way past that. 

Maybe it was regret... or relief? Maybe this was could be his second chance at life... or death. Steve didn't know anymore, honestly. He just felt so tired and... lost—not knowing a thing in this world, and not knowing who to trust.

Everyone he knew, everyone he cared about, they were all gone. Dead, even. It sucks. And to think that someone considered immortality as a gift... it was probably the exact opposite. For him, it was a curse. Everyone had moved on, got on with their lives while he was still stuck in the past, not having a reason to move forward like they had.

It scares him in a way because in the end, they will leave, and he'll end up being all alone again like he always has been from the start.

Unless he finds a reason to finally leave his unresolved past behind him, Steve Rogers will always be the man out of time.



Unfortunately, Steve now owes Fury ten bucks.

Recently, Steve had been recruited to be a part of a team called... what was it's name... the Avengers? Yeah, that was it. Fury told him that he had a mission to save the world, and he couldn't do it without their help.

Steve was initially reluctant because he didn't know what the world was like now, how it operates, who to look out for, but then again, he realized that he's got nothing to lose at this point. So, he figured, ah, to hell with it. 

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