Chapter 9

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Grayson's P.O.V


I made it through the rest of the week without a beating thanks to (y/n). I even got a few "hi's" and high fives in the hallway. I'm really excited for this friends night, and I'm usually not a party person, shocking. Ethan and I got off the bus and we went to go get a snack. I couldn't stop thinking about tonight and I smiled at the thought of seeing (y/n) again. Ethan seemed to notice.
"You excited for tonight man?" he asked as if reading my mind. He set a a bowl of cheetos on the counter in front of where I was standing.
"Yeah. I'm just happy I'm actually in a friend group now ya know?"
"Mmhmm. But your mostly excited about seeing (y/n) aren't ya?" He said smirking as he put a cheeto in his mouth. I shyly smiled and shrugged.
"Well are you excited to see Madi? You seem to be interested in her."
"I know she has a big crush on me so I'm trying to make her happy. I mean, her boyfriend did dump her." Ethan said.
"Do think you'll have a thing with her?" I asked curious as to why he shows attention to her and none of the other girls who have a crush on him.
"I don't know. I mean she's beautiful,  and the time I comforted her after her break up, she wasn't nervous with me. She talked about it to me and I listened, knowing how it feels." Ethan's face showed a bit of sadness. His ex cheated on him and she left him, he's been afraid to actually love someone ever since. I'm just glad he's trying to find someone new.
"Man forget her. She's not worth thinking about. Now what we need to think about now is getting ready for the party, cmon." I said trying to get his mind off his ex. He smiled on nodded and we headed upstairs to change. Ethan broke out some ripped black jeans, vans, and a light denim jacket. I know it's just a friends night but it doesn't hurt to look somewhat decent. I decided to go a little out of my comfort zone and wore a black shirt, jeans, and vans. We were to be at Madi's house at 6. After doing our hair and spraying on some cologne, we decided to call an uber because unfortunately we don't have cars yet. The uber pulled up and then were on our way.

Your P.O.V
Madi, Dani, and Sarah wanted to get ready at your house since you had really cute clothes for them to borrow. They all chose their outfits and put them on. Dani was wearing a grey dress with a flannel tied around her waist and Sarah a white crop sweater and black shorts. You wanted them to judge which outfit you should wear so there was a little catwalk action. Your first two outfits were too dressy as they said.  You put on the third outfit and walked out, turning in circle so the girls can see every angle. They gasp they all quickly nod their heads.
"(Y/N)! That's the one girl!" Dani said squealing, clapping her hands.
"That outfit is killer (y/n)." Sarah said admiring it.
You looked in the mirror at the light, high waisted, denim shorts, black lace crop top and your combat boots. You loved the outfit and smiled.
"Grayson will love it." Madi said smirking  as you looked at her through the mirror. You smiled and rolled your eyes," Well on that note Ethan will be eyeing you in that the whole time." You smirked gesturing to her. She was wearing a strapless crop top with white shorts and a cardigan. She got up to chase you and you ran away but she ended up tackling you, making both of you fall on the bed in laughter. Madi's phone goes off and she checks the message." My mom is here to take us to my house." We anxiously got up from our spot and made our way to the car and we drove off.


You guys got there a little early so you could set up some snacks and drinks.
"Alright guys I'm gonna use the bathroom real quick." You say as you run upstairs. Right after you left the doorbell rings. Madi goes to open the door and there stands Ethan with Grayson behind him. Madi looks at Ethan in awe.
"C-cmon in." She says shyly.
Ethan and Grayson walk in and say hi to Dani and Sarah.
"Where's (y/n)?" Ethan asks. As if on queue you walk downstairs and smile when you see Ethan. But when you see Grayson, you can't help how good he looks. It looked as if he couldn't help how good you looked either. You smiled at each other shyly and you could feel everyone looking at you guys.
"Alright let the fun begin." Madi says.
It's been a couple hours and you guys were eating snacks and talking the whole time.
"Why don't we play truth or dare. Spice things up a little." Sarah said as she got up and brought an empty beer bottle that Madi's mom left. No one opposed to the idea so Sarah spun the bottle and it landed on you.
Oh god...
"(Y/N), truth or dare?" Sarah asked. Sarah gets really sexual you can say when it comes to this game so you played it safe.
"What color is your bra right now?"
Madi and Dani giggled and your face reddened.
"It's red." You said a little embarrassed.
You spun the bottle and it landed on Ethan.
"Truth or dare?"
"Dare." He said getting shocked looks from everyone.
"I dare you to kiss any of us on the lips." Everyone was shocked and Ethan looked at all of us but he kept coming back to Madi who was next to him. He leaned in and pecked Madi on the lips. Making both of their faces red. We all whistled and hollered at them making them embarrassed. Madi spun the bottle and it landed on Grayson.
"You know the question." Madi said.
"Dare." He said, surprising us all.
"I dare you, to take your shirt off." Madi said nudging you. He gulped and hesitantly took it off revealing his toned abs. Everyone gasped and Grayson blushed. You caught yourself staring and took your attention to the floor as Grayson put his shirt back on. This went on for a while until something very heated happened. The bottle landed on you so you decided to be brave.
"Dare." You said.
"I dare you to French kiss Grayson for 5 seconds." Said the lovely Sarah herself. Everyone gasped, again, and you looked up at Grayson who looked a little embarrassed. You sighed and crawled over to him and kneeled in front of him. You knew he didn't know how to kiss based on how nervous he was.
"Just follow my lead." You said as you cupped his face. You leaned in and you felt his body tense. As you started the kiss slowly so he got the hang of it. Soon enough, your lips(and tongue) moved in sync. He put his hand gently on your cheek and you got instant butterflies. Soon enough the 5 seconds were over and you pulled away looking at a shocked Grayson. Everyone fell silent in shock. You smiled at Grayson, who the only thing he could manage to whisper was,"woah."

The Dreamy Dweeb // G.DOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant