One last thing...or treat, if you will. (UNFINISHED Season 3 Episode 12: Shifty)

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Although all of us viewers knew exactly who it was that had been with him, and she had her focus entirely on the mysterious bunker located beneath her.



Dipper, Wendy, and Mabel sat quietly in the theater. Dipper was intrigued, Wendy was getting bored, and Mabel was terrified. Boy oh boy, did she regret coming to this film.

The movie let out, Ford parked and waiting outside to pick everyone up. Mabel exited the theater, hugging herself as she approached the car. Meanwhile, Dipper and Wendy were chatting on and on about the movie.

"Oh, and that part when the monster tried to slash through the girl's chest!" Dipper exclaimed. "What a nail-biter, right?!"

"Decent movie, delivered poorly," Wendy retorted.

Dipper punched her just before climbing into the car. "Oh, shut up! You loved it, admit it." In the car, Wendy glanced back at Mabel behind her. "How about you, kid?" she asked.

Mabel blinked. "I need Waddles."

Dipper put his hand on her shoulder. "Oh, you're fine. Weirdmageddon scarred us for life, this movie was nothing."

"And the swearing..." Mabel said, a vacant presence in her eyes. "So much swearing..."

Ford had his eyebrow raised, fearful for his niece. He reached back and patted her on the head. "Oh, you're alright, Mabel," he reassured her. "Maybe it taught you a lesson? It being that you're simply too young for some movies."

Mabel shook her head violently, her eyes alive. "Okay, MAYBE you're right. But what the hey, I'm A-OK! Frankly, I think that movie was fabulous! It didn't actually scare me."

Ford started driving. "Mabel," Wendy spoke up, "My hand is still red from you squeezing it the whole time."

"Okay, fine. So what? It scared me, that's what horror movies are supposed to do." The young teen scoffed, rolling her window up and down repeatedly. "I enjoyed it."

"Yep," Dipper chuckled, leaning back in his seat and shutting his eyes. "Horror movies and monsters, that's what they do."

Meanwhile, Soos was flirting with Melody back at the Shack. Stan was barely able to put up with it, being the old grouch he was. So, Stanley decided to hit the hay. Shortly afterward, Ford and the twins arrived back home. Dipper and Mabel made their way up to bed, Ford saying goodnight to them. Before heading up, Dipper spun around and asked Ford what he'd done while they were at the movie.

The old man looked down at his feet, putting a hand on the back of his neck. "I just...hung around."

"You did not," Dipper snapped, slipping back down the stairs. Mabel continued to head up. "Old people don't just 'hang around', so spill the my sister would say."

Ford blinked. "I took a brief look at the entrance to Fiddleford's and my old bunker. I'm sure the place in its entirety is packed with cobwebs and tunnels by now."

"I'm surprised you haven't truly gone down there since...well, thirty-one years ago?"

"I might someday. I'm just afraid of what's waiting down there. McGucket's and my last experience with it wasn't exactly a...pleasant one."

"I already told you, he is frozen. Everything's fine down there."

"Well then maybe I'll go visit the old place tonight. Or you know, the main part of it. I won't just hang around inside the entrance like last time, back when we were trapped there."

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