Season 3 Episode 10: Scampfire Stories

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"Thanks for invitin' me, everyone!" Old Man McGucket smiled, happily roasting a marshmallow over the campfire. The Pines, Wendy, Soos, and Melody all sat calmly around the thing, enjoying their time with one another. The flames danced around and tickled the night sky, warming those around it.

"No problem at all, Fiddleford," Ford replied with a grin. "Whether it involves roasting marshmallows or defending the Mystery Shack from galactic demons, we Pines can always use a friend."

After feeding him a s'more, Mabel clung to Waddles, embracing the pig in a gigantic bearhug. "Warm fires and comforting piggies are right up my alley, family!" the girl giggled. "So, what do we have in mind? Games? Gossip?"

Wendy eerily turned to Mabel. "How about...ghost stories?"

"Wendy, after protecting the multiverse from someone like Bill Cipher, ghost stories don't phase anyone here," Dipper rolled his eyes.

"You sure?" Wendy whispered something to Mabel just before distracting Dipper again. "Because I'm pretty sure even your summer reading has scared you before." While Wendy was speaking with Dipper, Mabel slithered around to the back of him.

"What? Pft, no!" Dipper snarled, crossing his arms. "Those have never scared me. They're just full of tension; stressful." The kid then shrugged.

"You're scared of them, admit it, Dipstick."

"Am not! I have dealt with Level 10 ghosts before, nothin' scares me!" Mabel then shot out from behind Dipper, screaming bloody murder. The boy panicked, falling off of the log he was sitting on. Everyone laughed while Mabel helped her brother back up. He laughed along with them. "Okay, so I was lying. Big deal."

Mabel sat back down and looked around for her secret stash of s'mores. Unfortunately, they were missing. "Hey!" She glanced down at her feet and glared at Waddles, his mouth coated with chocolate and marshmallows. Crumbs also surrounded the animal.

Stan cleared his throat and spoke up. "Well we don't have to tell scary stories, but why not just tales in general?"

"I like that idea, Mr. Pines!" Soos blurted.

"Sure," Melody added, resting her head on Soos' shoulder. "Let's give it a go."

"Alright!" Stan said. "Who's up first?"

"Y'know, you should tell one, Grunkle Stan!" Mabel suggested, pointing at him with a stick. While she did this, the marshmallow Dipper was roasting caught on fire in the background.

"Fine, if I have to," Stan smirked.



Stan cracked his knuckles and leaned in towards everyone, preparing to share his and his brother's story. "It was March 9th, 2013, and Stanford and I didn't know it yet, but we were about to face one of the scariest sea monsters known to mankind--"

"Can't be scarier than Bill," Mabel interrupted.

"Shut it, Mabel, I'm trying to tell a story!" Stan went on, slightly irritated. "Everything was going great that day. The ocean was calm, the sky was clear, and Ford's dumb weirdness radar wasn't picking up anything."

Ford tried to talk but he was immediately cut off. "Hey--"

"AND THEN, there it was. Out of the water, popped the dreaded, horrifying, awful, disturbing, nightmarish, obnoxious, HIPPOCAMPUS--"

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