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Hey sorry guys not another update. I'll update soon . I'm putting the book on hold for a while . Till things settle down in my life .

I've been dealing with alot of anxiety attack . And when I say alot I mean I've had them almost every night since January .

My grandparents and uncle is moving back in with us so we can help ran care of my grandma and grandpa . My grandma had the cancer and had to have kemo again . My grandpa is starting to have serious hip pain .

And my youth group as going on a trip by half of us didn't want to go . We got our votes by one person . (I know stupid  plus the half that didn't want to go as my two siblings and two cousins )

And I was getti n pressured into doing things I did not want to do and was called a baby because  I didnt want to do it .

But I'll be fine. Exspet alot of updates when I get back I love you All so much and can't wait to write more for you  here's a photo of a inspiring quote. 

Again thank you door all of your support I'll see you later also happy Monday!!!!!!!!!!

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