how they put you too bed

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Captian America- he gently rocks you in his arms he even  does it when your a teenager he rocks you and songs to you gently putting you to sleep. He covers you up in bed ans kissed your head

Hawkeye- he holds you in his a4ns Tryon to be r you go the stairs and into bed with our walk walk you 50% of the time he is successful  but the other 50 he fails

Iron man- peper normally picks you up and takes you to bed because Tony is always busy in his lab

Black widow- she tucks you in and songs you a lullaby in Russian she  sings till you fall asleep 

Thor- he holds toy telling you story about his greatest battles

Pietro- he reads your favorite book in Russian making you rwkac and aloely falls asleep

Wanda- like Natasha she songs you to sleep while playing with your hair

Spider-Man- he is usually  studying so ge has you on his lap reading you the story problems

Hulk- he vote you to sleep by telling you the history of what ever he was work on. It puts you to sleep every time

Bucky- when ever he comes home your aslwwk on the couch so he picks you up and carried you to bed

Doctor strange-  like Thor he tells you as many stories as he can till you fall asleep

Agent colson- he picks you up off his office floor and Carrie you to bed mski mg sure you stay asleep

Loki- he holds you in hisba4ks reading you a book he reads as many book as you want

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