New parent Doctor strange

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How he found you~

While doctor strange was working on some spells he heard a knock on the front doors of his mansion .  He frowned and slowly went to the door and saw you in a basket sleeping. You where wrapped in a (f/c) blanket to keep you warm in the cool night air .

He made you float in the basket as he picked up the note and read out loud 'this is (y/n) take care of them I am unable she is different and strange as are you please take care of (him/her) love them as you love your magic '

The good doctor gently looked at you and smiled softly "well then (y/n) you can be my new apprentice along as my new child" he smiled taking you in his arms and went inside as the doors closed with a soft thud

What he calls you~

Darling  / sweetheart

Your favorite superhero~

Iron fist because he helps you meditate and helps you calm down

What you call them~

Father dad and if you are hurt or not feeling well daddy

Health issues ~

You just have a very bad anger issue that's where meditating helps you calm down and breath

Funny text~

You~ dad don't be made

Him~ why? Would i be mad darling

You~ i kinda sent iron fist  to another diminution

Him~ your grounded until further notice

You~ yeah i kinda figured that  

When you have nightmares ~

He rushed to your side and holds you while you tell him about the nightmare when he tells you it was just a dream . And when you fall back asleep he goes into the nightmare realm and fight the nightmare beast  keeping you safe

Your first words~

You said (y/f/c) you saw a ballon and wanted it but your dad was walking away from it So you Yelled (y/f/c)

Movies you watch~

You both love to watch the Jurassic park you watch all if them you adore the action and the dinosaurs in them

Fandoms you both are in~

Merlin because there is magic

Your favorite books ~

You like the Percy Jackson book series because of all the gods  and goddesses and the action

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