The Game of Love Chapter 42

Start from the beginning

There were those times where he cared for me genuinely—though I refused to believe so back then. Also, he’s been looking out for me, and whenever my best friend Seth couldn’t be there for me, Leon was there—despite my resentment. I mean, sure he was being a complete asshole and jerk when he reentered my life, but he was still mature.

Leon was (in a way)…bipolar. One moment he’d be so sweet and like a gentleman and the next he’s back to harassing and bullying me like when we were kids. I guess that’s why, for the most part, my feelings for him always fluctuated. But now, it seems he’s got his attitude, double personality, and temper under control. Over the year, I’ve noticed a complete change in him—he’s matured. And my feelings were no longer dwindling—I’m positively sure that I love Leon Ferron.

I repeated all that to them, looking directly into Leon’s deep grey eyes, a stupid smile plastered on my face. I even found myself laughing and biting my lip; he laughed along with me, too. Mitch just sat there, eyes shifting from me to Leon before leaving the table, giving us some space.

For what seemed like forever, we exchanged no words but soft, tender glances at each other. And out of random, we’d smile and laugh at absolutely nothing. It wasn’t awkward, and I was completely comfortable with the silence between us. I don’t know; it just felt nicer.

Leon’s thumb rubbed the back of my hand, and I couldn’t suppress a wide, content smile as I leaned in close to gently graze my lips to his. It lasted only a couple seconds, and from possibly a five feet radius, Sophia, Leanne, Jake, and Jack were standing nearby, debating whether or not now would be a good time to take a seat at the table. My face reddened as I bit my lip.

Once the settled in, I finally let my surroundings send me back to reality. Oh yeah…prom. I looked around to see people already taking their leave. It wasn’t exactly the end of prom, but I knew it was getting late by the looks of it. “What time is it?” I asked Leon.

He pulled out his phone, and answered, “It’s half past eleven.”

Oh dang, has it been that long already? I didn’t see why everyone’s leaving so soon though. Maybe, just maybe there’s some little party following prom? I figured that just might be the case, now that I think about it.

I shifted my attention back to my friends. “So…what’s up?”

“Um…” Soph fidgeted, and I knew exactly what was on her mind. “We were wondering if you don’t mind coming to this party.”

Leon and I exchanged glances before I replied, “We don’t mind. Where is it at?” Sophia pointed at Leon; my eyes widened. “What?”

Leon’s mouth formed a perfect O in realization He said, “I completely forgot about it.” He turned to me. “Yeah…Will Thompson kind of asked me to throw a small party at my place. I couldn’t really decline since he wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

I let out a long, dragging sigh before saying under my breath, “Fine.” He put up a small, crooked smile.

* * * *

“A small party?” asked I in disbelief as my eyes scanned the jam-packed living room. “Seriously Leon, this is enough to fit the entire first floor of my house!”

He chewed on his lip, scratching the back of his head. “It got out of hand?” I rolled my eyes. “Well we could just spend time in my room. I’ve limit my apartment to only the living room, kitchen, and bathroom.”

I folded my arms as I squeezed through the crowd, following him into his room. Now to me, what seemed a bit awkward was everyone staring at the paintings Leon did of him and me. My face reddened, and most everyone gawked at us as we passed by.

Once I stepped into his modern, blue and green bedroom. Leon shut and locked the door behind us. I spun to face him and his eyes looked my up and down. “You’re so beautiful…” he said in a hushed tone. He clenched his jaw so tightly I could see a muscle jump (or whatever it is). And from that, I knew what he wanted. However, he shook his head a little and walked over to his bed, lying on his back.

Lying right next to him, I let him take my hand in his, interlacing his fingers with mine. The two of us stared out in the distant, past the white of the ceiling. The silence thickened; the sounds of the blaring music and commotion of our guests blocked out entirely.

I was the first one to break the silence. I asked curiously, since I’ve practically been itching with wonder, “Won’t your neighbors like…complain?”

Leon shrugged. “We’ll see if they do…just give them some time. I just want to relax…”

I gave a twist of my lips. “If the party’s here in your apartment, shouldn’t you be out there being the life of the party?”

He scoffed. “Nah…I’m not the one who threw it. Will just begged for everyone to see what it looked like. He never said anything about me having to be there with everyone partying.” He turned his head to me. “Why?”

I shrugged. “Just wondering,” I answered simply.

By the time it was around three in the morning, Leon shook me awake. I was welcomed with a new, overpowering silence. My eyes were bleary, and all I could make out was the blue and green—and Leon’s mussed up hair from sleeping by my side. It appeared we had dozed off, and neither of us had realized it one bit.

Leon pulled me up by the arm, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, letting my legs wrap around him from behind. Piggyback ride. We both gave weak, tired smiles as he carried me out his empty apartment and to his car. When he turned on the ignition, I warned him. “It’s probably not the best idea for you to be driving when you’re tired, you know?”

From the corner of my eye, I knew he was smirking. “Its fine—I’m awake,” he said clearly. Convinced, I shrugged, allowing him to start driving me home. I dozed off again.

* * * *

We pulled up at my house, and he led me to the front porch. When I turned around, he hugged me tightly. “Thanks for such a wonderful night,” he whispered tenderly in my ear. Then he went in for a kiss—and what I would used to find awkward and something I’d typically reject, I instead had wrapped my arms around his neck. His kiss was so soft, gentle, yet I could feel and taste him and his feelings so well. However, we only went as far as this. When Leon pulled away, my face had tinted pink as I bit my lip.

He stared at me longingly and sternly with those grey eyes. And as he tucked a tendril of my hair behind my ear, he leaned in and whispered, “Goodnight, Sarah.”

“Goodnight,” I breathed, my breath almost hitching as the tips of his fingers trailed down my jaw and neck. Then slowly he walked away from me, his hands in his pockets, and already turning on the ignition of his car, disappearing out the street.

For some reason, it reminded me of that night where I abandoned Leon at school. I had felt so guilty and so…worried that I dared to drive back and find him to be sitting at the entrance. His head was hung low, and it appeared as though he hadn’t made himself leave the school unless I’d be the one to drive him home. I remembered our drive to his house, dropping him off at his front porch. He turned to face me and pulled me in a hug that had utterly stunned me. And when he went in for a kiss, I was reluctant yet at the same time I didn’t mind his lips pressed to mine. When he pulled away from me, I was slightly blushing because—though I denied it strongly then—I actually liked it. I remembered Leon’s perfect smile, and whispering “Goodnight…” to me before letting go of me. It was unforgettable for me, and deep down, I treasured that memory.

That’s when I realized…that very night was when I started to fall for him…

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