Chapter 7

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We got to Mark's place. Chica greeted us when we walked in. Courtney has a heart for dogs, so she was all about Chica. We waited for Courtney to end her heaven. After THAT was over, Mark called us all over to him.

I was fangirling. I have seen Mark at my birthday party, but he didn't really notice me at the time. "So guys, the reason why I called you all over here is....I'M TAKING YOU TO VIDCON!!!"

"No way!" I screamed. "Oh, and better yet, me, Sean, and Nate are doing a panel. But, you all are going to be in it!"

"Mark, you haven't even told ME about this!" Jillian said while playfully tackling him. Me and Courtney just stared at each other. A stage... a lot of people...staring at me....

"You also are going to be walking around- alone- for a bit." Mark explained. I figured that I didn't want to take Bonnie, because I would have more people staring at me.

Courtney was fangirling so much, she ran to her house and didn't come back. Me and Jillian decided to walk to a park.

On the way there, we were discussing. The panel... the people... "Hannah? HANNAH!?"

I snapped out of it. "What?" "I know when you're worried, so what is it about?" "The....the...panel"

"I see. But, before all of those people arrive, think about this: you're on a platform with a bunch of cool people! There's just a bunch of empty chairs, not people. All you're doing is just hanging out!"

"Thanks, boi"

We arrived at the park. There was a BUNCH of Disney's Moana decorations. Also, a bunch of five year olds running around. There was a pregnant mom and her husband setting up things. There was also this creepy dude- or was it a girl? Anyways, it had glasses, a creepy smile, and was dressed up as Moana...

The Moana Man walked up to us and said "My name is Moana from Hawaii, Rochester. You will board my car and sail across the KFC to restore the heart of my ex!" "Run.." We both told each other.

We started running, but then we were caught by Moana. He shoved us in the van...

We were riding for a long time. Finally, we stopped somewhere near where VidCon will be.
We decided to call Mark to save us. The line cut out and there was no service >:|. Jillian told me to grab her arm, so I did. She jumped out the window with me.

Then, a guy that was walking stopped. He ran up to us. "What's going on?!" We explained.

"You're going to VidCon, too?"

"Sure are!" We replied.
"Sweet! I can't wait to meet Mark and Sean!" He said.

We looked at each other and held in our laughter.

"So, I didn't catch your names in case I see you there."

"Oh! I'm Hannah, and this is Jillian!"

" I'm Robert. RobertIDK."

"Can you drive us home?" We asked. "As long as you stop saying things at the same time!"

We got in his car and told him Mark's address. He drove us home. I felt safe around Robert. He is nice, awesome, and dank! I hope we can see him at VidCon...

We went inside and told Mark about our mini adventure.

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