Chapter 19- Finally Back

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Alex’s point of view-

We’ve been on the road for a couple hours and I’m losing it. I’m nervous about meeting this Jason guy who everyone says is my mate and the father of my baby but nobody took the effort to ask me how I felt about this, honestly I don’t think I was ready to meet him, but ugh I just don’t know! I don’t know if it will be awkward or if I’ll be scared. I think scared because that’s all I’ve been feeling since we left Derek. I don’t want to be scared, but there’s something in me telling me not to do this and to go back to Brad. There’s also a small part of me saying that this is real that Jason is my mate, but my fear over powers this. I’ll just have to wait and see what happens; maybe this feeling is just nothing.

“Are we almost there?” I asked.

“Yup, half an hour and you’ll be reunited with your mate,” Mason smiled.

“Ok,” I whispered.

Jason’s point of view-

“Hold on son, Lana is getting the formula,” my dad said as he gripped my arm. I was already sweating from the pain my mark was giving. My mom was wiping my forehead with a cold wet cloth and Lana was making the recipe to stop the pain.

I couldn’t even imagine how Alex must be or how hard the pain hit her; I just hope the pain doesn’t get too bad on her or our child.

“I’ve got it, here Jay, drink this,” Lana said as she pulled a cup to my lips. I drank the whole thing and then found the pain leaving me along with consciousness.


“Come on man wake up,” I heard someone say, was it Daniel?

“Jason wake up, we have a huge present for you, you’re going to love it,” Lana said.

“How long ago did you find out the news?” Trevor asked.

“Only a few hours ago, they should be here any minute,” Daniel said.

“I can’t wait!” Lana squealed.

I groaned, as I started to open my eyes. I noticed, Daniel, Cali, Trevor, Ari and Lana in my room.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“Here drink some water first,” Lana said as she helped me sit up and gave me a glass of water.

“Are you good?” Daniel asked.

“Yeah, what’s happening?” I asked.

“Come on,” Lana said as we all walked outside.

We were just standing outside the pack house for a few minutes, I was confused.

“What are we waiting for?” I asked.

“Just a couple more minutes,” Daniel smiled.

A couple seconds later Christian, Aiden, Tyler and Em walking out of the woods with big grins on their faces, they each, except for Aiden walked over to their mates and waited.

Five minutes later I could hear a car coming this way, I looked back at everyone confused, I was about to ask once again what were we waiting for when I could hear the truck stop behind me. I turned around and found a black Range Rover with tinted windows so I couldn’t see who was inside.

In the next minute out stepped Mason, Hailey, Michael and Cayden. I was confused, shouldn’t they be with Alex or at least one of them because I don’t want her alone with that bastard, I internally growled at the thought.

“Jason, we have news,” Mason said getting straight to the point. Inside my wolf was getting anxious, why? I had no idea, he was clawing and growling to be let out, but I forced him back.

“What is it?” I asked.

Mason smiled and walked over to the car, he opened the back door. Someone grabbed his hand, since the door was in the way I couldn’t see and for some reason I couldn’t smell this person’s scent. Mason closed the door, and then stepped away and my whole world froze as I locked eyes with the one person I have been dying to see.

I could feel my eyes begin to water at the same time I felt my wolf wanting to take over, no wonder he was so antsy, he knew our mate was near.

“Alex?” I croaked. I could see her eyes flutter and before we knew it she was fainting, in the same second I was by her side as I caught her before she hit the ground, I gently sat down with her in my lap. Everyone reacted and were about to step towards us when I growled, I looked up letting them know my wolf was in total control and we didn’t want ANYBODY near our mate.

“Everyone step back,” Daniel said as I held Alex closer to me and glared at them.

“What’s going on?” Em asked.

“His wolf is in control, he doesn’t want anyone near his mate and child,” Trevor explained.

“But we’re their friends, he knows we wouldn’t hurt them,” Em said.

“Jason knows that, but his wolf doesn’t. He’s been away from his mate for far too long and at the moment he won’t let anyone near her, until he’s calmed down,” Aiden said.

“But she fainted, he needs to let Miranda examine her,” Cali said.

I looked down at Alex and calmed down a bit, but my wolf wouldn’t hand the control over, we stared at her beautiful peaceful face, I gently caressed her cheek and then buried my head in her neck and sniffed her, her scent was blocked by the baby’s scent and I looked down at her tummy and there was a small baby bump, my heart swelled in pride. That was our pup growing in there, I couldn’t wait for the day to come when I can finally hold my child.

I didn’t know if it would be a girl or a boy. If it was a boy I would play sport with him, go on runs in our wolf form, take him to my meetings for when he becomes Alpha, read bed time stories to him, teach him how to pick up girls, and all that. If it was a girl I would teach her how to protect herself, scare off all her boyfriends, not that she’ll have any until she’s like 30. Read her bedtime stories, kiss her boo boos for when she falls, call her cute pet name like baby girl and princess, I would want them to look just like Alex. I internally sighed I couldn’t wait for the baby’s arrival.

With these thoughts in mind my wolf calmed down completely and I gained control back. I gently picked Alex up and started walking to the pack house.

“Lana call Miranda and tell her to be here as soon as possible to check up on Alex,” I said without taking my eyes way from my mate, I think this is all I will be doing for the next couple of weeks, watching my mate like a hawk.

Ten minutes later-

“Everything seems to be fine, the stress and emotions is what got to her,” Miranda said.

I breathed out in relief, thank god it wasn’t anything serious.

“When will she wake up?” I asked.

“Tomorrow, I gave her a sedative,” she said.

“Thank you, and the baby how is it?” I asked.

“Come by tomorrow and we can get an ultrasound,” she said.

“Alright and thanks again,” I said.

“No problem, and congrats on having them back,” she smiled before she left. I looked back at my mate who was still sleeping soundly on our bed.

After changing her into one of shirts and boxers, and after I took off my shirt and pants leaving me in just my boxers I gladly joined her and gathered her in my arms tangling our legs together and putting one arm protectively around her tummy. For once in over a month I felt complete once again. I sighed in content and fell asleep within seconds happy that I have my mate back in my arms.


Finally they're back together!!! But what was that sense of fear Alex was feeling? Read and find out what happens when she wakes up and when Jason finds out she can't remember anything!



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