Chapter 12- Happy Day for Jason

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Alex’s point of view-

“I don’t know what those rouges want, but I don’t want Jason finding out about this, now that he’s marked me he is being more protective,” I explained as I remember this morning.

“Yeah, if we tell our mates, they won’t want us getting in danger,” Em agreed.

“Ok, no telling this to anyone,” Christian said.

“Smell the notes you received maybe it has a scent on them,” Aiden said.

I smelled mine and smelled really familiar, “Daniel, smell the note, we know this scent,” I said as I handed him my note. He smelled it and growled.

“Who’s is it, it seems familiar but I can’t put my finger on it,” I said.

“Brad Hernandez,” he snarled and I gasped along with Cali.

“Brad, but what could he be doing here, he was banned! “ I practically yelled.

“I don’t know but this has one thing written all over it…..revenge,” Daniel.

“Who the fuck is Brad Hernandez?” Christian asked.

“Brad was an ex- boyfriend of mine, he was a part of Jason’s pack and he was kicked out of his pack because he was selling Jason’s and our packs information to rouges. Since we were dating he knew some of our packs secrets and he was selling them, it’s a miracle they only banned him and didn’t kill him,” I explained.

“Ok that explains who he is but what is he looking for and why is he on Daniel’s territory instead of Jason’s?” Tyler asked.

“We don’t know but we have to figure this out, stay alert because they know we are here to get rid of them,” Christian said.

“If anything else happens we need to know,” Christian said before we all left. I went to my room and was about to lay down when I remembered I had to go to Jason’s pack house. I grabbed my keys and left the apartment.

One week later-

Jason’s point of view-

Ok something is definitely going on! All week everyone has been really secretive, especially Alex, I barely seen her this week. She said she’s been working with everyone else, but I don’t like it! She’s in danger and she searching for a rouge! I just want to spend some time with her but I don’t see that happening any time soon, I sighed and turned back to the TV, it feels so quiet in the pack house especially since everyone is doing who knows what on a Saturday and here I am lonely as ever and on my birthday! Not one text or phone call from anyone, not Alex, my parents, not anyone from the pack.

My phone started ringing and pulled it out, I couldn’t contain the smile that appeared on my face when I saw it was Alex, I swiped and answered.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Happy Birthday babe!” she yelled.

“Thanks Alex,” I responded.

“Hey I was wondering if you wanted to spend the day together?” she asked.

“Yes,” I answered almost immediately.

“Alright, then come downstairs, I’m outside,” she said before she hung up. I ran downstairs and when  I opened the door I took her in my arms, and buried my head in her neck, man I missed her.

“I missed you,” she mumbled.

“I missed you too,” I said.

“Now come on birthday boy,” she said as she pulled me towards her hummer.

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