Chapter 5- Back Home and Family Secrets

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I woke up in a very white room; Aiden was holding my hand with his head down. I laid there for a while and waited for Aiden to wake up from his nap. About half an hour later he woke up but didn’t notice I was already awake because he got up and stretched with his sexy ass in full view.

“Nice ass,” I said making him jump and turn around.

“Alex?!” he exclaimed as he came over and gave me a kiss on the lips.

“Hey babe, where are we?” I asked.

“We’re at the Firm’s infirmary, you’ve out for two days,” Aiden explained.

“Weren’t we supposed to be at my home town already?” I asked.

“Yeah, but we aren’t leaving until tomorrow. Since the only reason why we’re going is to catch a rouge, we can go anytime,” Aiden said.

“If we’re only going to catch a rouge then why are we staying there for two months?” I exclaimed.

“Because Alex we don’t have the exact location of the rouge, we have to be there and scope out the town, we’re also going to high school because Christian said that Jason explained that he caught an unfamiliar scent there,” Aiden explained.

“Fine,” I sighed. After a few minutes of silence Aiden said something, “Hey I never noticed you had a tattoo on your wrist,” he said.

“Oh yeah, me and Daniel have the same one, we got it when I was 13 and he was 14,” I said as I looked at the tattoo me and Daniel had on our wrist.

“What does it say?” He asked. I felt my eyes start to water at the memory.

“It says, ‘live life for me,’” I tried to stop the tears but failed. I wiped them away quickly.

“it’s weird how I never noticed it before,” He said.

“Yeah because it’s bewitched, a witch put a spell on it. It would only appear when we got emotional, when me and Daniel would be near each other, and when we’re injured, it’s to give us motivation to keep on living,” I said lowly.

“It’s cool,” he commented.

“Thank you,” I said.

“Well I’ll go get the doc,” Aiden said.

“Ok,” I said as he gave me a peck on the lips and left.

A few minutes later and Christian, Tyler and Em came into the room.

“Alex,” Em squealed as she ran over to the right side of my bed and gently sat down since it was my

injured leg. Tyler and Christian gave me a kiss on the forehead and then sat down in the two chairs next

to my left side.

“Hey guys,” I said.

“You really scared us there sis,” Tyler said.

“Yeah, when we saw you fall, Aiden lost it and killed the rouge in an instant. When he finished he picked

you up and started yelling orders, he got in the helicopter and brought you straight here,” Christian


“Wow, how sweet,” I smiled.

“Yeah and we should leave before he get’s back,” Tyler said as they all got up.

“Why?” I asked bewildered.

“Well, while you were unconscious he wouldn’t let anyone see you, he would growl when someone

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