Chapter 3- Pranking on the First Day!

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Alex’s Point of View-

An hour later we arrived at the Firm headquarters, and this was like nothing I ever imagined. I imagined the headquarters to be more secretive or something crazy but the headquarters is just a big house sort of like a pack house. Huh I guess that’s cool. So anyways the pilot took me to what I’m guessing is an office. Inside the office was a guy with light brown hair and green eyes. I’m guessing he’s Christian.

“Alexandria it’s so nice to finally meet you in person,” he said.

“Yeah same here and I’m guessing your Christian right?” I said.

“Yes I’m Christian and welcome to the Firm,” he said.

“Thanks and like no offense but your headquarters looks like a pack house instead of a high tech building,” I said.

He chuckled,” well that was the plan, when my grandfather started the Firm he thought that being disguised as a pack house would be much better than a high tech building where we could easily be attacked,” he explained.

“Oh, that makes more sense, so I’m guessing you’re the one in charge here?” I asked.

“Yes, there aren’t that many people here, only the best of the best fighters get accepted into the Firm, that way it’s easier to take down rogues and other wolves that break the law,” he explained.

“Cool, you’re like the alpha of the pack,” I said.

“You can say that,” he said.

“So once you get settled in I could have Aiden give you a tour of the house and tomorrow morning you can start training with the rest of us,” he said.

“Ok, so are you all like very serious or is that just to scare people?” I asked.

He laughed, “It’s just to scare people, when we aren’t on missions, we’re usually like any other normal teenagers, we have parties, chill, and joke around. I know that this might surprise you but this is how we are, we do our job right, then we do whatever we want as long as we’re laying low for any enemies we have around here,” he explained.

“That is so cool,” I exclaimed while he laughed again.

There was a knock on the door and in came two very sexy looking guys,

But not as sexy as Jason,” my wolf said.

“Stop thinking about him, he cheated on us with my best friend remember you were crying for an hour straight!” I reminded her.

“We have to move on and forget about him, we came here to start over and we are going to,” I said.

“You’re right Alex, we are starting over so we have a right to move on and I’m going to start by picking you out a new man,” she said.

“Who did you have in mind?” I asked.

“The one on the left, with the dirty blond hair and blue green eyes,” she said.

I looked and he was cute, sexy even ok they were all sexy but come on this guy beats them.

“Exactly so cross your fingers that he doesn’t have a mate, because while we’re here I want some play toys,” she said.

“Whoa, calm yourself wolfy,” I said as I saw her rolling her eyes.

“Alex, meet Aiden and Tyler,” Christian introduced them. So blond hair and blue green eyes’ name is Aiden, sexy…..very sexy. Tyler had dirty blond hair and light brown eyes.

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