Around six, all the food was about ready, so I trusted Sharon who had been helping me all day to get everything outside for the party. I had to go wrap Parker's present and write something in his card. At least I was pretty sure Parker wouldn't walk in while I was doing it.

The card I got him was simple. It was white with blue writing and on the front it said, "Happy Birthday Handsome. You are looking better than ever you sexy thing." And on the inside it was blank, ready for me to write in.

This is what I wrote:

Happy birthday to my handsome, wonderful, loving, sexy, best man in the world. I know this birthday is really a change from your other birthdays, but I'm so happy to finally be there for your birthdays again, and this time as your girlfriend. I just want to tell you that you mean everything in this world to me. You're my best friend, my lover, my supporter, my confidante, my movie/TV show watching buddy, my favorite miner, my taste tester, the reason I'm happy, and my most favorite person in the universe. You've taken care of me, made sure I was happy and healthy, and you've gotten me through things I didn't think I'd ever get past. And all of that means the world to me. I love you so much more than I've ever loved anything else. You've turned into a great man, and I know you'll only get better from here. As you turn twenty-two, I hope you know that I will always be here for you whenever you need me. You deserve a day as great as you are. I know your day hasn't been that great so far, but you know I'll try my best and do anything to change it to make the rest of your day/night great. So anything you want, baby, just say it ;)

Happy 22nd birthday, Parker! XOXO.

Love always,

I signed my name at the bottom with a heart beside it. I smiled satisfactorily as I put it in the white envelope and wrote his name in fancy letters on the front.

Next was his present. Or presents, I should say. I got my personal favorite picture of us, a picture of us slow dancing together that Hannah had taken at Grandpa's funeral. I put it in a simple brown frame that could sit on the bookcase, or wherever he wanted to put it. Then I got him a few new shirts, a new pair of Carhartt jeans, and a LifeProof case for his phone. Because Lord knows that man has cracked his phone more than anyone. I bought him some new cologne and body wash because he was running low, and finally I got him a new pair of shades because he had recently broken his. I put all his presents in a box, wrapped it up, and taped the card on top of it with a bow.

I looked at my phone for the time. 6:28. I figured that I'd better get to the party. I called Parker as I walked out the door with the box in my arms to see if he was even coming to his birthday party. He didn't answer. I groaned and rolled my eyes as I set the phone on the box and walked to the tent where most everybody already was.

"Hey, Nick!" I heard a few voices say as I set the box on the table with the other presents.

"Hey, guys." I said flatly as I sat down beside Sharon. I looked over at the cameramen and sound guys with Ed behind them. "If Parker isn't here by 6:40 we're eating without him."

"Did you remind him about it?" Rick asked.

"Yeah, last night." I said. "I haven't talked to him all day since last night."


"So what's for dessert, Nick?" Rick asked me.

"Well, I obviously made a cake. But we're not eating that until Parker decides to grace us with his presence." I said as I threw a empty crab leg in a bucket.

"Yeah, we can't do that without him." Rick chuckled.

"I guess I better go find him." I sighed as I stood up. "See if he's alright."

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