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*Rap monster P.O.V*

I watch as she pulls in the drive way from my place where i sit on the front stairs. I stand up and give her a sweet smile while i wave. Jungkook had been ranting for the past 5 hours about where she could have gone and who she was with. He makes it evident that he likes her to all of us. He knows we all look at her but at least we are in the same building so he doesn't go completely berserk.
The thought of him siting around panicking about her, while me and ( your name ) brings an evil smirk to my face. The one thing I love more than stealing hearts is a challage for them. I walk up to her car as she begins walking towards the house.
"Hey" I say in my western accent. "Hey" she says with a soft smile "what have you guys been doing all day?" She ask curiously tilting her head towards the house. "Nothing much, I did some thinking today and I've come to the conclusion we haven't gotten to know eachother that well." I say still smiling. She nods on response. "Have you eaten?" I ask "oh um no , I was just going to have soup or something around the house." She says "I haven't eaten either, we should go get something together!" I exclaim. "Ok just give me a moment to go get everyone else." She says walking closer to the front door. I step in her way cutting her off from getting any closer to the house. "No need , they ordered some food earlier." I say rolling my eyes sarcastically at her. "Oh ok." She says and we walk to her car.

" She says and we walk to her car

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*Your P.O.V*
We made it to a ramen shop in mid town in a few minutes. Rap monster is nice, I already knew he was nice before I met him but you never know what someone is like in real life and Rap monster was one of those people that are even nicer in real life. He held the door while entering the restaurant and gave me one of his charming smiles that show off his adorable dimples.

Once we were seated and had ordered he smiles at me from across the table "what is something on my face?" I ask jokingly "oh um no

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Once we were seated and had ordered he smiles at me from across the table "what is something on my face?" I ask jokingly "oh um no." He notices he was looking at me and looks in the other direction. "I would have never guessed that one day i would be eating ramen with the kpop idol Rap mister." I say laughing in shock think back on everything that has happened. "I still can't believe somone so young and beautiful owns a muti-million dollar company. Hahaha, and call me Namjoon, we are friends." He says. I blush and nod in response. I look at him across the table and clue into how handsome he is. He gives me a soft smile, noticing im now the one staring. I blush and look down to mg hands in my lap.
"Did you know bts before you met us?"
He asks sweetly. "Oh um yeah, I am a fan your music, congratulations on winning the "Top social award" at the billboard music awards!" I say happily "oh thank you!" He makes a finger heart and we both giggle. "I hope im not being to pushy but do you have a bias?" He asks and I go tense. "Oh um not currently." I awkwardly laugh "so you "had" one?" He asks "mhm." I answer. He stays silent waiting for me to tell him. "You can't tell anyone , I would feel bad and they would think im favoring some of you." I say and he nods , still awaiting me to say a name. "You were my first bias but I changed my bias all the time, everyone has been my bias at least more than twice so I just gave up and named you all my bias." I say laughing. "You are all so kind and have such nice voices!" We spend the next hour talking about the band and I ask many questions about meanings behind songs and experiences while we eat our ramen.

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"I had fun, thank you

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"I had fun, thank you." Namjoon says stopping once inside the house. "No thank you , your the one that suggested it." I say while bowing in thanks. I close the door behind me and we both take off our shoes and put on our slippers. "Its late you should go to bed." Namjoon says breaking the silence. I nod and begin walking down the main hallway towards the stairs. "Good night, sleep well." Namjoon says with a smile and i begin walking up the large stairs. I turn around and look down behind me to see him waiting for me to get to my room. I wave to him then make it up the stairs and around the corner out of view.
When I get to my room I change into a pair of comfortable shorts and a shirto. I freshen up then snuggle into a blanket on my large chair in the corner. I hear a quiet knock at my door and I glance at the clock before opening the door. "I was kind of hoping you were asleep." Jungkook says. "Its almost 1am." He states. "I was just about to read then I was going to go to bed." I say "oh sorry, I was just making sure your ok because you said you were coming home but I never saw you." Jungkook says worried. "Im sorry I should have told you , you were probably worried because I said I would be home. I got home and Namjoon was outside and we both hadn't eaten so we went out for ramen." I say assuring him I was safe but I see something else cross his face and I can't tell what it is.
"It's fine I was just going to ask you if you wanted to go to the beach with me but maybe tomorrow?" He asks twitching his head once cutely. I smile brightly at the thought of the beach. "Yeah that's a great idea!" I say excitedly. Jungkook smiles then looks at the ground. He looks up and his face is red. Must not be feeling well , it is pretty late, I think. "It's late I should go and let you get some rest for tomorrow." He says smiling and backing away from my door. "Rest well ( your name ) he says and waves at me. I watch as he disappears around the corner and I head to bed.

 I watch as he disappears around the corner and I head to bed

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{ Namjoon making those moves tho }

Jungkook x reader : Life Carry's On.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant