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( Your P.O.V )
I put my car in park in the underground parking lot below my penthouse . I sit there going over what had happened this morning. *rewind a few hours ago* "miss ( your name ) there is an important later waiting for you in your office that came in a few moments ago anonymously." My assistant says as I walk down the hallway in the company building to my office. "Thank you Lucia." I say walking into my office . "Who sends anonymous letters to a company's CEO , and how did they even get approved to send a letter to me if their not a major company on business." I think . Then it hits me as I'm standing on the middle of my large grey and white office;Park seo joon. "What if this is about another meeting or him trying to get back at me?!" I think panicking . I sit down in the main office chair at my desk . The letter is in a white envelope with one word printed on the front that says " IMPORTANT." I reach to grab the letter and I slowly open it. The letter reads ;

Dear ( your name )
Due to multiple reasons , you should watch your back. Not only have you pissed my company off by abusing my CEO Park seo joon , but you have also pissed off are anonymous company funder which gives us a great sum of money regularly. Not only will we be now after you and your company but our funder has stated he will be doing something about this situation as well. You could of course erase this rather trouble some solution we have come up with, by signing our company's collaboration contract for the next 7 years with all of our circumstances, and by stop helping Jeon Jungkook along with losing all contact with him. You have one hour to respond with an answer saying you will comply , after that one hour is up we solve the problem ourselves. 700 ling street east. We do hope you make the right decision ( your name ) .

*back to current time*
My hands begin to shake thinking about the letter and how it has been a few minutes past an hour since I opened that letter . I lean over my seat to grab my purse then shut my car door. I walk over to the elevator and wait for it to open and when it does I'm faced with jimin from bts . We looks at me for a moment then smiles while exiting the elevator. More boys exit the elevator I name them in my head as they exit. " Jimin, V, Suga , Rap monster , Jin , Jhope and Jungkook."

When jungkook spots me he looks scared but he gives a small smile

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When jungkook spots me he looks scared but he gives a small smile. "annyeonghaseyo." ( Hello -안녕하세요 ) he says . I stair at him in shock. "H-hello" I respond . "Why am I so nervous around him now , is it because all of bts is looking at me or because of the letter. Probably both." I think. "I have not been honest with you about who I am." Jungkook says looking down while nervously tugging at his beanie. "I- I'm jungkook from a internationally famous kpop band called BTS." Jungkook says finally making eye contact. "I know I say." On the verge of laughing . He looks at me confused but relieved at the same time. "You knew right when we met?" He asks. "Well no, I had no clue who you were when you saved me but later that night when you took of your mask I noticed who you were." "I'm just glad you did not go into crazy fan girl mode." He says laughing. "What , just because I know who you are I'm supposed to instantly fall in love with you when we meet?" I say seriously. "N-no that's not what I meant." He says scared . I hear jimin laughing his butt of behind me , and I can't help but let out a little giggle. "I'm joking." I say while giggling. "So you know who we are right?!" V says smiling at me. "Yeah." I say smiling while looking at BTS standing in front of me. "Well you know who we are who might you be." Rap monster says while playfully circling around me , like he's playing detective. " I'm ( your name ) , it nice to meet you all!" I say. "Now that we are all acquainted..." Jhope says smiling , "Can we go get some food I'm starving." Jhope says

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