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( Your P.O.V ). I can see them. Their falling off the cliff. The car is going straight off the cliff there is nothing to save them. I begin to scream as I watch my parents car roll off the cliff on kirk lademan hills. I drop to the ground and cry loudly, not caring about the perfect image I was to always portray. I begin to punch the ground and curse everything in the world. "(Your name) it's ok it's only a dream , shhh your safe now." I hear a calming familiar voice say. I feel a hand stroke my hair and the voice continues to tell me it's ok. I suddenly wake up. I'm soaked with sweat and I'm breathing heavy. I look up to see jungkook resting his head on my harm and stroking my head. "It's ok your safe." I stay still for a moment carful not to move so that he won't notice I woke up. I shift slightly and his head pops up. He pushes the hair back stuck to my forehead with sweat off my face. I sit up and he runs to my closet returning with a pile of clothes and a towel. "By the time your done, breakfast will be ready." Jungkook says smiling at me. He exits my room lightly shutting the door behind him. "Breakfast? But it's night." I walk to my blinds and slightly open them to reveal a sunny fresh sky. "How did I get to bed? Last thing I remember is coming home then... ." I go blank "Those dreams of bts with the exploding car and my parents." I think as I grab the clothes siting on the chair by my bathroom. I walk into the bathroom and take a shower while listening to my BTS playlist. " The dream of me meeting all of BTS seemed so surreal" I think as I wash my hair.
*time skip*
As I step into the kitchen I see all of BTS around my table talking about clothing brands. "I still think Gucci is best , even if they don't want me as a model." V says . The rest of the group burst out laughing . "It's wasn't a dream, everything I thought was a dream about BTS is real." I think then I remember that Jungkook shielded me as my car exploded , the rest of the group was not in direct harm of the explosions but because Jungkook was shielding me he was. I run up to the table and no one has seen me yet. I grab Jungkook's left arm and pull up the sleeve on his black long sleeved shirt. There is a big deep cut from what looks like piece of my car that came flying off. The table goes silent as they notice me. "Wow" , "Beautiful". I hear from the boys Along with a whistle. The boys notice Jungkook's damaged arm in my hands then go silent. "I did A good job picking out the outfit right? I should totally become a stylist." Jungkook says trying to push aside the issue. "You left your arm like that all of last night?!" Suga asks. Jungkook shrugs in response. "Come with me right now." I say pulling him out of his place in the table , not waiting for a answer. I drag him down to Lawson's hallway and into the laundry room. I take down the basket with bandages and disinfectant , that Lawson had used to fix me many times before. I take the cap off of the disinfectant and jungkook try's to pull his arm back. "Please , anything but that." He says scrunching his face like he can already feel the pain. I quickly spray his cut and he lets out a low squeal. I wrap his arm and put away all of the materials. "Sit" I say and point at the washing machine. Jungkook hops up on the washing machine and sits. He pulls my arm closer to him and we are face to face. "Closer." He says . I move my face so that we are almost touching. He puts his lips beside my ear and I can feel the warm air from his breath. "I think we have visitors..." suddenly the door opens and the boys almost fall into the room. "hei!" (Hey- 헤이 ) V screams. "They were kissing!" Rap monster yells. "N-no" I say and back away from jungkook. "We weren't I was just telling her something." Jungkook says. " I was about to tell her something else to but you guys ruined it." Jungkook says under his breath and it seems like no one else herd it. I look at jungkook and when our eyes meet both of our faces go bright red. "Ahh, ok as long as you don't touch her." Jin says in a protective tone. "What are you her mom?" Jungkook says. "I'm her oppa." Jin says with a bright smile. "Hey , I'm her oppa!" V says glaring at Jin. "E-excuse me .... I never said any of you were my oppa's I just met you all." I say making sure to make eye contact with all of them just to get my point across. They all go silent until jungkook breaks the silence. "We all need to talk about what is happening." He says leading the way to the upper lounge of the penthouse. Once we are all seated around in a circle scattered on the couches and floor jungkook begins to speak. "We are pretty sure one of the people involved is an old friend of ours named Bo-Gyeong,

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