Chapter 12: The Most Amazing Person Ever

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I felt like I was playing house, but instead of my playmate being a little kid it was a full grown monster/man who was taking the game way too seriously for my liking. Even though Kyrie had assured me that the manic stage was over and the monster what was still snoozing in the bedroom would not go into a homicidal rage and try to kill me again, I still felt like somehow if I stuck a toe out of line there would be hell to pay.

I tugged at the bottom of my pajama shirt that looked like sugar and spice and everything nice had thrown up all over it, feeling confused about the whole path my life was on at the moment.

I needed to have a plan. I needed to have an ultimate goal, a target, a trajectory. If I didn’t have something to keep my mind off of the situation that I had gotten into my mind would continue to move at some unknown velocity into complete and utter insanity.

 It still felt too hot in the apartment and ended up walking to the refrigerator, opening the door and shoving my head into it just for some relief. I mean for Christ’s sake it was like ninety degrees in here and it was freaking October. What did he set the thermostat on the “fry the human” setting? My eyes scanned the contents of the fridge as I cooled myself off.

Well when the monster said he had bought yogurt he damn well bought yogurt. There were tubs of the dairy product, not little cups, actual quart tubs of at least five different flavors of yogurt. He had also apparently bought a crap ton of strawberry flavored Pedialyte and chocolate protein shakes that I remember my father making my grandmother drink when she had started losing her appetite.

Seriously through, it was like he bought the store out of sick and old people food.

I guess with no ration restrictions you can do that kind of shit.

“Hungry?” a voice asked behind me, making my jump and smack the top of my head into the ceiling of the refrigerator.

“Ouch.” I grumbled, rubbing the back of my head as I stood up completely and looked at him, trying to keep the look of utter depression off of my face. I was hoping he would have stayed in bed a little longer…maybe forever.

“You ok?” he asked, chuckling a little at me. I grimaced. I didn’t like the sound of his laughter. It sounded too much like an animal growling. I didn’t reply. I just stared at him wishing that he would magically disappear. Where is freaking Harry Potter when you need him?

His dark hair was sticking up all over the place in awkward cow licks and his chin was a bit stubbly from where he hadn’t shaved. At least he had put on a shirt.

“Are you going to get something to eat?” he asked. I suddenly remembered that the door to the fridge was still open and I shut it quickly.

“I was just hot.” I admitted under my breath.

He frowned.

“I turned the thermostat up because it was supposed to get cold last night and I didn’t want you to get chilled.” He told me.

I had to restrain myself from rolling my eyes. Chey and I had spent all of last winter curled up in front of our wooden stove in the kitchen and we wore our winter coats indoors. He didn’t know the beginning of cold. I didn’t say anything.

“What do you want to eat?” he asked, moving beside me and opening the fridge again. I hesitated. I didn’t want to eat the monster’s food. It didn’t feel right. “And I’m not taking no for an answer.”

His head was still inside the fridge, behind the door where I couldn’t see his face, but the sound of his voice made me certain that it was the beast speaking to me through the human’s voice.

“I don’t care.” I mumbled. He stood back up and shut the fridge door with one of the chocolate shakes in his hands.

“Here,” he said as he offered the plastic bottle to me. I very carefully took it from him, making sure not to touch his fingers. I looked down at the bottle. The monster had even gone ahead and popped the top for me, effectively treating me like a two year old.

I looked down at the milky brown liquid slightly disgusted by it but feeling the pressure of his gaze went ahead and raised it to my lips and drank. It tasted like a wacked out version of chocolate milk.

I guess I could drink these; it was torturous enough not to make me feel guilty.

He smiled broadly, showing off his big monster teeth.

I restrained myself from flinching at the supposedly friendly expression. I couldn’t get the image of my own blood dripping off of those enormous honking canines. Not noticing my discomfort he walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a box of cereal and a bowl, making his own breakfast.

“Do you think you can eat something more substantial than just that?” he asked as I grudgingly finished the gross beverage. I shook my head. He sighed, his brows furrowing with worry as he took another bite of his cereal.

“I’m going to call Ile to come take a look at you.” he told me, pulling a cell phone out of his pocket. I shook my head.

“That isn’t necessary.” I told him, not wanting to have the monster doctor in the same room with me. I could only deal with one monster at a time. He raised a lip at me.

“I will not have my mate sick.” He growled at me.

I shut up. As the beast had said once before this morning he was not taking no for an answer.

                After ten minutes of the monster staring at me and me acting distracted there was finally a knock on the front door. The witchcraft werewolf woman must be here. The monster got up to get the door, still looking as if he had just rolled out of bed. I stayed in the kitchen as he walked out, letting the breath I had been holding escape my lips. Being around him physically set my body into lockdown mode. It was almost panic attack worthy. I heard the monster’s voice growl something and a familiar voice reply gently. Footsteps and the slamming of the front door alerted me that they were coming back into the room. First the monster walked in with a calm emotionless expression plastered onto his face, but I could see that his fists were clenched and that his eyes burned with annoyance. Behind him strode a gently smiling Kyrie, his eyes staring with a slightly cheeky amusement at the back of the monster’s head.

“Good morning Juni.” Kyrie greeted me brightly; ignoring the monster’s narrowed eyes from across the island. Ile was nowhere in sight. The monster was irritated because he had called Ile, spoken to Ile and now a bright and chipper very human Kyrie was standing in his kitchen.

“Ile is really not that much of a morning person, so she sent me to check on you.” he explained, putting a bag onto the counter. How Kyrie could ignore the werewolf in the corner was beyond me.

“You would do well to tell Ile that when I ask the pack doctor I want the doctor to come, not the doctor’s mate.” The monster half growled at Kyrie, eyes smoldering in a face that was so still it looked almost sculpted in emotionlessness.

Kyrie looked at him with one eyebrow raised.

“Sean, I would like to remind you that I do have a doctorate in human medicine from Vanderbilt and that while Ile may be an exceptional pack doctor she knows little about human healthcare. Since your mate is human and I am a human doctor I actually am more qualified to assess her needs than Ile.”

Sean stared at him for a second like a Kyrie was a piece of furniture that had suddenly started talking. In that moment I felt that Kyrie was the most amazing person who had ever walked the earth. He sobered quickly though hiding his dumbfounded expression behind his monster eyes.

“I see your point. Now that you have flaunted your resume would you please see what is wrong with my mate.” He growled out.

Kyrie turned his attention toward me and gestured for me to come closer to where he stood at the kitchen island. I walked over obediently and lifted myself into the chair that Kyrie had pulled out for me.  Kyrie pulled a tongue depressor and a small flashlight out of his bag and then turned to me with a knowingly sympathetic grin for only a moment before it turned into a slightly amused pleasant one.

“Open up and say ahh.”

Things that Go Bump in the NightOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant