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A/N: Lots of cussing, as well as some offensive and self-destructive words.

The morning after they finished the MV recording, Taehyung had to leave the dorm at around 5:00AM to do his last Hwarang scenes.

   When he woke up, it was still dark, the sun not daring to peek out yet. Sitting up and standing, Taehyung carefully walked to the bathroom to shower before he had to leave.


   When Taehyung finished his short shower, he walked back into his room, using his phone flashlight to look into his closet and retrieve the white long-sleeved and black ripped jeans, plus some socks and boxers, walking back into the bathroom to get dressed.

   'I'm going to the Hwarang set. I have to do finishing shots. Have a good day xx,' the note that Taehyung wrote said, laying it on the kitchen counter, knowing that it'd be found there. Taking his grape jelly smeared piece of toast with him, Taehyung quietly walked through the dorm, gently opening and closing the door as he walked out of the building, breathing in the moist, cold air when he stepped outside, before pulling the black facemask over his mouth and nose, beginning the walk to the set, not wanting to disturb the driver this early in the morning.


   "Hey, Taehyungie, are you okay?" JiHan asked as he looked down at Taehyung, who was sitting on the bench, sweat making his skin glisten, his eyes looking heavy.

   "Huh? Oh, yeah, hyung. I-I'm fine," Taehyung said, looking up at JiHan. Not believing him, JiHan sat down beside the young singer on the bench, looking at his face carefully.

   "Have you slept any? You look tired as hell," JiHan asked, concern written all over his face as he looked at Taehyung. His eyes had small bags under them, covered by makeup, of course. The truth is, Taehyung had slept for only an hour last night. He didn't know why, but he went to sleep at 11:00PM, woke up at 12:10AM and had been awake from since. He never really had much trouble sleeping, but last night was different. And the lack of rest was fucking him.

   "Yeah, I got a few hours of sleep. It's just, I've been busy," Taehyung half lied. He was busy, that was the truth, but he didn't get a 'few hours' of sleep.

   "Well, please make sure to rest properly. I don't want you to get sick," JiHan said with small smile on his face as he rubbed small circles on Taehyung's back before standing up and walking off, going to record something with Minho. Taehyung had nodded, his eyes closing as he slightly drifted off in spot, being scared absolutely shitless by Seo-Joon, who had walked by and noticed the drifting boy and came to wake him up, reminding his that he had his official last scene in a few minutes. Taehyung let out a whine as he knew he wouldn't be able to nap. It was ridiculous to wish anyway.


   It was around 5:30PM when Taehyung arrived back at the dorms, absolutely exhausted.

   "Taehyung, what the hell!? Do you know how much trouble you just got us in!? Your Hwarang director had called manager hyung, telling him that you kept falling asleep on set, fucking recording up just like how you fuck everything else up!" Taehyung had heard Hoseok's voice come from the living room as soon as he walked in the room, successfully scaring him for the umpteenth time that day. Looking over, Taehyung could make out the fuming members. But Yoongi had more of a concerned look on his face.

   "I-I-I'm sorry, hyung. I didn't get any sleep last night, so I'm very tired. I'm sorry for any inconvenience I cau--," Taehyung's apology was cut off by Seokjin's voice.

   "Damn right you caused an inconvenience! You just made manager hyung yell at us. You got all of us in trouble for your own problem," Seokjin said in a near-shout, pointing his finger at the other five members when he was saying the end of his sentence.

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