Chapter 18:

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"I'm sorry, sweetie but Paul booked this vacation for us before I even knew you wanted to come home for the weekend. And isn't this prom weekend?"

 "Exactly, yes, and that is why I need to get out of town." I groaned. 

"I'm sorry, honey, but I don't want you coming home just to be by yourself the entire time."

I groaned once more, flopping back on my bed. "Fine."

"So does this mean you'll go to prom? Come on, honey. I want you to have at least some normal high school experiences."

"But why does prom have to be one of them? Can't I just join a sports team? Much preferred over prom."

"Remind me, what happened the last time you played a sport?"

"It's not my fault that the balls turned out to be explosive!"

Mom only hummed in acknowledgment and I could picture the smirk on her face. 

It was the same smirk Percy and I shared.

"Fiiiiiine. You win. Again."

"Good. Now tell me how school is going?"

For while after I had finished talking with my mom, I just stared up at the ceiling in utter boredom... till my phone rang and I basically leaped for the thing. 

" Hello?"

"Hello, ma'am. I'm calling you about a vacation pla-" 

Dam solicitors.

Finally deciding to get out of my bubble of pity, I strode towards my dresser and pulled out a suit, deciding a trip to the beach sounded like a good idea.


I had abandoned my surfboard hours ago, only resurfacing from the water once the sun had started to set.

I started making my way slowly toward the shore, not bothering to fight my body's natural repellent of the water as I emerged. There had been no one around for miles all day. 

Throwing my flannel on over my wet suit, I grabbed my surfboard, hauling it towards Bella's truck. Since Dickward had been chauffering her around since the attack I had been putting the truck to good use. After throwing my board in and tightening it to the bed of the truck, I went towards a tree, climbed up, and just watched the ocean.

Seeing it as calm as it was made me feel calm. Being near my father's domain, my domain, was refreshing. 

Then a roar broke through the quiet. An angry, hungry, familiar, roar. 

Standing up in the tree, I hid in the branches as I watched the Minotaur walk underneath me, dressed only in his nasty underwear.

Maneuvering myself, I made my decision, albeit a stupid decision in the aftermath.

I jumped, landing on his shoulders, grabbed his horn, and used it to steer him into a tree.

Back-flipping off his shoulders, I reached into my pocket, only I didn't have any pockets. 

Looking over at the truck, I gauged the distance between me, my bag, and the still-dazed Minotaur, and sprinted.

I made it to my bag and grasped Hurricane, only to be backhanded into a tree. 

Dazed, I saw only blurs as Hammer Head came towards me, and it was a miracle I even managed to stab him at all. Coughing at the dust that now swirled around me, I stood up, and then fell back down. 

"Damn, I'm out of shape," I said aloud to myself, only for a tree nymph to respond.

"Ya think, look at my tree, my beautiful tree!" he said dramatically. 

"Eh, sorry? I'll try and direct myself next time." He let out a nasty string of curses before flipping me the bird and disappearing.

Putting the tailgate up, I grabbed my things and started up the truck, knowing I was gonna be sore as hell tomorrow.

"Gods, just kill me now." I slammed my head on the wheel.


Dangerous Weather//Book OneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon