Chapter 10:

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The family


Why again, did I say Bella and I were a package deal? Cause this was kinda a shit deal.

The Cullen's lived outside of town in the middle of the forest and when we arrived I was surprised by how modern the house was. It obviously hadn't been here long. I think Dick really wanted me to be awed by the house, but my best friend was enlisted to redesign Mt. Olympus and in comparison, this place was a broom closet.

I was more concerned with memorizing the layout and all the exits anyway.

Anyway, Fuckward was leading us upstairs to what must be the kitchen because I could smell food. But why would they be making food?

"I told them not to do this".

We entered the kitchen, and voila, I saw food. Then I was assaulted by a hug, by a vampire, who happened to be an ice-cold block of pure evil--

Okay, Lily, calm down. These guys are animal munchers, not human munchers and it looks like they made you food. Learn their intentions, Chiron said.

"We're making Italian for you," a woman with amber brown hair said. Apparently, their intentions were to feed me.

I only nodded as I continued scanning everyone in the room. 2 of the Cullens were missing.

"Bella, this is Esme, my mom, for all intents and purposes," Eddie said with a chuckle.

Bella spoke up, surprising me in Italian, "Good day."

Esme replied simply in Italian as well, "Very good."

You spend enough time with Nico; you learn stuff.

"I hope you're hungry," Esme said.

"Uh, yeah sure."

"Yeah absolutely--",

"She already ate," Edward cut Bella off quickly. Honestly, I thought the rudeness would end once they started "dating".

Blondie immediately smashed the salad bowl between her hands and shards rained to the floor. "Perfect!"

Dramatic much.

"Yeah--it's just that I know..I know you guys don't eat." Bella stammered.

"Of course, that's very considerate of you," Esme said as Carlisle walked over to her.

"Just ignore Rosalie. I do." Fuckward said as if it would help, he really is a dick.

"And why would I listen to you?" Butting in now seemed better than never.

"Yeah! Let's just keep pretending like this isn't dangerous for all of us."  You got that right Blondie.

"I would never tell anybody anything," Bella said. I think my poker face was spot on at that moment.

"She knows that," Carlisle said about Rosalie. I think she knows what Bella refuses to admit, which is that she is in way over her head.

"Yeah, well the problem is, you two have gone public now so--"

"Emmett!" Esme scolded while I chuckled at how ridiculous this situation was getting. I got a glare from Dick for that too.

Rosalie strode closer to us and I edged my way forward as well. "No, she should know. The entire family will be implicated if this ends badly."

She's not wrong.

"Badly as in... I become the meal?" Bella said.

I raised my eyebrow at her in disbelief. Is that seriously all she got from that conversation?

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