Chapter 17:

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The hospital walls were just as cold and uninviting as ever.

Doctors and nurses ran around in an endless hustle and bustle in an ongoing mission to help people.

To save lives.

Most of the time, at least.

The past few nights in this damn hospital, I had been plagued with endless amounts of downtime, with nothing to do but stew in my head. With endless bad memories and anxieties of my a-maz-ing demigod life.

My friends- my family dying because it was OUR job, to fix the mess of the gods, as per usual.

And the memories were all the worse when I shut my eyes.

I hadn't slept more than a few hours in 3 days, too hyped on adrenaline and constantly itching for a fight when my mind wasn't preoccupied.

When I had finally dozed off during the third day in this gods-forsaken hospital, the memories took over full force.

The Battle of Manhattan was one of many battles that would haunt me for the rest of my life. But last night, I'd revisited the short time we had taken refuge in a hotel to rest and to heal the wounded.

But we'd also been there to say goodbye to those who couldn't be healed.

The corpses of my friends and allies who had perished in battle had animated. All the guilt, sorrow, and self-loathing I'd felt over their deaths reared its head as they spouted insults and curses at me.

The dream left me even more drained and with a complete inability to cope with anything Dickward or Bella-related. I had relocated from the hospital room to one of the benches in the courtyard, knowing no Cullen would bother me until the sun went down.


Charlie was walking towards me, phone in hand.

"Yeah. She's right here. I'll give her the phone, hold on. Yes, it was good talking to you too, Sally."

Oh shit.


Charlie sheepishly handed me the phone before walking back into the hospital.

"Heeeeey, Mom."

"Hi, sweetie. How are you? How is everything?"

Aka, what did you get yourself into now?

"Everything is fine, Mom. Obviously, you heard about Bella, and whatever Charlie told you is really, it's only, like, a little accurate. I'm not hurt. And everything got... dealt with."

She stayed silent on the phone, waiting for me to elaborate.

"What are your thoughts on vampires?"


"Saying Mom was just frustrated would be an understatement. She's going to come after you now too though. I'm not the only one withholding information here."

"You are the only one who got into a fight with a vampire. And was hanging around vampires. Is currently staying in a hotel room with said vampires."

"It's not like I have a choice. Dr. Cullen is paying for Charlie's and Renee's room, but apparently, I'm not allowed to have a room for myself because now I am a flight risk. Charlie's words, not mine."

"You did disappear-"

"No." I pointed my finger at his face. "I did not. I went to get food that wasn't from the vending machine or room service. Sometimes, you just want greasy fast food, and I did not need a babysitter vamp coming with."

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