Chapter 4:

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The hospital...


What in hades just happened?

Setting Bella down far more gently than I thought he was capable of, Dickward quickly hopped over the truck and ran away from the school and the accident before anyone could see him.

I helped Bella off the ground as she pulled her earplugs out and people started swarming us. Bees are to flowers as humans are to gossip and drama.

Ignoring everyone's questions, I instead focused on the Cullens. They were definitely not swarming and definitely not happy.

Students were already calling 911 and the ambulance showed up before the Cullens had even finished pulling their precious cars out of the parking lot.

When we got to the hospital we were quickly rushed into the ER along with Tyler, the van's driver who looked in way worse shape than us. I didn't even understand why we had to be taken to the ER. The EMTs could have just cleared us on scene. Then I wouldn't have to be in this too bright, hell. Soon the hospital doors banged open and Charlie strode over.

"Are you two okay? " he turned to Tyler. "You and I are gonna have a talk!".

"We're fine dad," Bella said, trying to calm him down.

"I'm so sorry guys, I tried to stop", Tyler said still apologizing.

"No it's okay", Bella said.

"No, it sure as hell isn't okay." Charlie fired back. "You could have died."

"Yes," Bella cut him off, "but we didn't."

There's no way I'm getting involved with this squabble.

"You can say goodbye to your license." Charlie scolded Tyler as the ER doors opened again and I knew instantly that the "man" wasn't normal.

Smiling warmly at Charlie, the doctor strode over to us, "I heard the chief's kids were in."

Oh, no wonder we got sent here instead of being cleared earlier.

"Dr. Cullen" Charlie greeted. Of course, it's a Cullen. I shouldn't be surprised that their "adopted" father looks exactly like the rest of them. How can he be a doctor anyway? They must have been here a while before I came to town if he's friendly enough with Charlie.

"Isabella Swan and Lilian Jackson?", Dr. Cullen said looking at our papers, showing no reaction to my full name.

I quickly corrected him, to see if egging him on with the names would cause a disturbance with his monsterly nature. "It's just Lily and Bella."

He just smiled again.

"Well it looks like you guys took quite a spill, how do you feel?", he questioned us.



"Okay," he said while checking our pupils. "You might experience some post-traumatic stress, but, other than that, your vitals look fine. No signs of any head trauma. I think you'll both be just fine."

Tyler began apologizing again but Charlie just pulled the curtain shut. I went to stand up when Bella spoke up and I fought the urge to facepalm.

"You know it would have been a whole lot worse if Edward wasn't there..... he pushed me out of the way".

"Edward? Your boy right?" Charlie asked as Dr. Cullen's face flashed quickly with apprehension.

"I mean, he got to me so fast, he was nowhere near me." Bella finished.

"Well then, you must have been very lucky." He's complete thrown by this information and it's so obvious.

"Charlie." They nodded at each other as the man-monster-thing quickly excused themself.

I went to follow after him, remaining 10 feet behind him until I realized he had paused around the corner.

Dr. Carlisle, Rosalie, and Edward were talking in not-so-hushed voices about no one other than Bella.

"What was I supposed to do? Let her die?"

Rosalie vehemently replied, "This isn't just about you, it's about all of us".

Bella lost balance from where she had attempted to sneak up behind me and fell out from behind the wall.

"Can I talk to you for a moment? Bella said to Edward.

I remained firmly hidden and slowly retreated, sitting down in a chair and deciding to text my Mom about what happened while listening to this shit-show I was somehow a part of.


"How ... how did you get over to us so fast?" Bella stuttered.

"Bella I was standing right next to you." Playing dumb now, are we?

"No, you weren't."

"I think you hit your head." He sounds so condescending that I want to punch his face in.

"I know what we saw, you-"

"And what was that? Hmh?"

"You stopped the van. You pushed it away with your hand." Bella said.

"Well, nobody's going to believe you so..."

"We weren't going to tell anybody."

Speak for yourself. I need to Iris Message Annabeth ASAP.

"But I -- I need to know", Bella finished.

"Can't you just say thank you and be done with it" He snapped back at her.

"Thank you." Bella rushed out.

"You aren't going to let this go are you?" I heard nothing for a few moments.

"Well, then I hope you enjoy disappointment."

What. An. Ass.

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