Chapter 5:

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The Field Trip...


Waking up with sweat-drenched sheets was becoming... exhausting.

Last night I had a dream about Kelli and her empousa attacking us in Tartarus. No matter how much I tried to convince myself that it wasn't real, that it was just a memory, I couldn't wake up.

We were outnumbered and Annabeth didn't have her weapon. Tricking Kelli happened the same as it always did, but this time, after killing one of her own, they overpowered us. This time, they had reinforcement, and this time, we lost. Fangs and claws ripped us apart and I couldn't wake up, not until we were all well and truly torn to shreds.

Just another sleepless night as a demigod.


Going on a field trip was bound to happen eventually. Maybe I could avoid cannons this time.

Our biology class was going on a field trip to a greenhouse facility in Seattle. It was supposed to help us learn more about the environment and biodegradation... or something.

While waiting for the buses, Mike approached Bella who was standing next to her truck, staring at her obsession. I was watching from the bed of the vehicle as he asked her to prom and well, wasn't exactly rejected. Bella just avoided the rejection part by saying she wasn't going to be in town. I feel like it would be better for both of them if she just told him he wasn't interested.

When we got to the greenhouse everyone split off with their friends and I stayed with Bella. Wise choice, as Mr. Dickward decided to stop in front of us.

Maybe he was just smelling the flowers?

"What's in Jacksonville?", he asked.

How the fuck did he hear her lie?

"How did you know about that?" Bella was very suspicious, as she should be.

"You didn't answer my question," he said dogging her question.

"Well, you never answer any of mine so..."

Awkward silence.

"...I mean you don't even say hi to me," she said.


I snorted.

"Are you going to tell me how you stopped the van?" Bella asked.

"Yeah, I had an adrenaline rush. It's very common, you can google it." Bullshit. You've got super strength because you're a monster, plain and simple.

"Floridians. That's what's in Jacksonville-" Bella tripped over herself and both Dickward and I grabbed her.

One of his hands landed on my arm and I wanted to reel back with how unnaturally cold it was.  Ripping away from each other once Bella was stable I decided to fall back behind them while they continued there, sort of, conversation.

"Can you at least watch where you walk?" Edward said, like a dick. "Look.. look I'm sorry I'm being rude all the time I just think it's the best way-".

"Guess who just asked me to prom?" I never thought I'd be so grateful for Jessica Stanley.

"Um..yeah I thought he was going to ask you actually but, um it's not going to be weird though right?" she asked, talking about Mike.

"No, zero weirdness," Bella said truthfully.

"Yeah you guys are great together, "I told her.

"I know right."

The rest of the field trip passed with little to no issues and I was itching to leave before that changed. But as we walked toward the buses I knew we were being followed.

"Bella we need to talk."

Dam it.

"We shouldn't be friends."

I looked at him like he was crazy. He probably was. They've barely had any friendly interactions.

"You really should have figured that out a little earlier," Bella said back bitterly. Oh no. She's already fallen for him.

How the hell did that happen?

"Why didn't you just let the van crush us and just save yourself all this regret."

"You think I regret saving you?" he asked, generally confused.

"I can see it you're eyes that you do. And I don't know why." Bella stated, matter of factly.

"You don't know anything," Edward said coldly.

"Hi." Oh, Edwardo's sister is here and has decided to step into this crumbling argument.

I tensed up out of habit, feeling surrounded and fiddled with my drawstrings. I started to relax, only to realize it wasn't my doing.

My defenses went straight up and pushed whichever god it was out of my head. This was not a good time to be messing with me.

'Do you mind?' I asked, looking toward the sky.

All I heard was a rumble of thunder, an annoyed rumble of thunder. So it wasn't one of the gods. Then who was it and what were they trying to do? Get me to let my guard down?

Bella started pulling me toward a different bus than the one we stood next to, which was already full, so I didn't understand why she wanted to squeeze us on there.

"Um, Bells, why are we going over here? The other bus is empty" I asked her.

"Didn't you hear Edward, their bus is full", she said avoiding my question. I pulled my arm out of her grasp and fought to roll my eyes.

"Are you really going to let that dick boss you around?"

"No," she said sheepishly.

"Okay then," I turned around and started walking to the bus we were originally going to get on.

"Where are you going?" She grabbed my arm again, gods why is she being so grabby?

I pointed towards the bus. I thought where I was going would be obvious. She only shook her head and walked back towards the crowded bus. Well, at least she was away from the Cullens.


The girl was infuriating. I was not a dick. She was the annoying one, never letting me get Isabella by herself.

Lily strolled onto our bus and bypassed all the other kids to sit closer to us than any of them, glaring at me the entire time.

Alice was perplexed, "I thought you scared them away?"

"I thought I did," I whispered back to her. 

"You scared one away at least," Alice said.

"What's her deal anyway? Your girl isn't that hard to figure out but she's on a whole other level" Emmett voiced what most of them were also thinking. I shrugged.

"Don't know. Haven't paid her much attention. She's just always, there. If not for her being on this bus right now, I'd say they were almost attached at the hip because she never leaves Bella alone."

"Alone with you...Specifically." Jasper had observed something I hadn't.

"Maybe she's just protective," Alice suggested.

"It seems plausible," Jasper piped up again. "The few times I have been able to get a lock on what she's feeling, it's cautious, protective, and anxious."

"It doesn't matter. You need to stay away from them both. Nothing good is going to come from any of this."

Rosalie was steadfast in how much she hated my predicament and took every chance to tell me so, verbally or otherwise. Jasper and Emmett also wanted nothing to do with Isabella and were usually of no help when regarding my...feelings toward her.

Dangerous Weather//Book OneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang