Chapter 16:

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Bella wouldn't run. She wouldn't move.

She was frozen in shock and it was going to get her killed.

"She's not even here", I heard her whispering, over and over again. Then I heard James laugh.

"You were a stubborn child weren't you", he said referring to the tape that had been playing on the TV of Bella arguing with her mom.

Looking around I saw him in the mirrors, watching us with glee. I gave up on Bella moving anytime soon and picked her up, throwing her over my shoulder.

I made it about less than 10 feet before my legs got knocked out from under me and we went down.

Bella, finally mobile, jumped up and ran, leaving me in the dust, only to be shoved against a wall. Still on the ground, I acted as if I couldn't move while slowly reaching into my boot and grabbing a dagger.

I saw Bella fiddle with her pepper spray as James pulled out a camera.

"This'll break Edwards's little heart eh".

As if he had one, that asshole.

Bella tried to spray James and run but was quickly caught and thrown against the wall after the pepper spray had no effect.

Seeing James stalk towards her I quickly stood up, throwing my dagger and embedding it into his shoulder.

Wailing in pain he dropped to his knees, clutching his shoulder as I ran to Bella. Touching the back of her head I felt blood on my fingers.

"Aw", James said with a sneer as he removed the blade and stood from where he had dropped to the floor.

"They're fighting for you. Is this a little love triangle, maybe?"

I blanched.

"...but a knife and pepper spray aren't going to stop me".

Where in Hades are Jasper and Alice?

I stood up in front of Bella as he rushed forward and grabbed me, only to be judo flipped to the ground.

Quickly getting off his back, he sent a punch into my gut and I went flying across the room. Flipping midair I landed on my feet instead of my face and saw him crushing Bella's leg, too focused on the screams of pain coming out of her mouth to realize I hadn't crashed into a wall and crumbled to the ground.

Running up behind him, I punched him in the back of the head, hard enough to knock any mortal out, but it only sent him to the ground. Well, at least he was off Bella's leg. Getting back up he advanced on me only to have a figure knock into him, causing me to drop flat to the ground to avoid getting plowed over.

Dick turned toward Bella with black eyes and a struggle washed over him before he was bashed into a mirror, James holding him by the throat.

Rushing to Bella I started checking her leg, which was clearly fractured in multiple places. Hearing a large amount of glass shatter I turned toward the commotion but was suddenly pushed onto my back. Turning around and drawing the dagger from my waist, I prepared to throw it at James' neck this time, only I saw Dick leaving with Bella.

Is he trying to leave me to the beast or something? Only he was pulled back down to the ground by James before he could make his grande escape.

Unfortunately, Bella rolled out of his arms and into the shattered glass.

Dick was thrown into a window as James rushed over to Bella, picking up her arm, mouth open wide.


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