the air feels so beautiful in my lungs sometimes and it's worth it

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And the days when we might not even need to say anything to each other, just exist side by side, where the silence means nothing but also means everything, those are my favorite. Together. When our evenings are drenched in comfortable silence, her working on a new post for her blog and me making notes on a legal pad.

And the nights where I'm feeling bad and don't need to really hide anything, because that's what we're here for, and the "God, Haze, you've seen me in bad traffic and after burning kitchen towels and have helped me so much,"s aren't enjoyable, per se, but they are healing, and sometimes you just need those kinds of days.

And the evenings where we sit cross-legged, leaning against each other, in front of the glass door in our kitchen just to watch the sun set on the day and Levi climbs over us, I'm just with my wife and I'm still relishing how the word fits her.

And the mornings where she wakes up before me, only to take me out to a diner while I'm still in my faded blue flannel pajama pants and she's still in her soft pink robe despite having a chance to change, those are the mornings that wouldn't be anything special except I'm with one of my best friends and I'm in love and I'm okay.

No really, I'm okay. I'm also a great liar.Where stories live. Discover now