the only acceptable use of a tuesday night is binge watching music videos

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The penultimate Tuesday of March comes around, and my phone vibrates to alert me of a message from Annabelle.

Which I deem unnecessary, because she's sitting right next to me on the couch. She, Jacob, and I are binge-watching music videos on Annabelle's television. Right now Holding On To You is playing. Jenna had to work, unfortunately. But this is one of the twenty one pilots songs that Jenna actually admits to liking, so she is here in spirit.

im hungry

I look at the text, then open my conversation with Jacob.

Are you hungry?

I hear his phone play the intro to You Belong With Me, and he digs it out.


I slide off the couch and stand up, then pick up my sweater and head out of the lounge and down the hallway. I see Annabelle open her phone again, then head out the door.

are u going to get food???


ooh chicken pita pls


youre the best datemate ever

I smile at her message, and then look up at the guy at the counter and place the order.

When I get back to Annabelle's, they've moved on to The 1975. Somebody Else is just starting when I shut the door and kick off my shoes.

I make my way into the room and place the containers of food on the coffee table. Annabelle practically dives off the couch in order to reach her meal. I giggle at her adorable antics and perch myself on the armrest of Jacob's chair. Jacob leans forward and gets two foil-wrapped pitas, then hands one to me.

Right before we start watching the Youngblood Chronicles, Jacob decides to bake something. He says he wants to keep it a surprise, so Annabelle grants him access to everything in her home.

We hear a couple of small crashes, but no extreme yelling (which Jacob only does when he's baking) so we don't budge.

Somewhere around the Just One Yesterday, I find myself curled into Annabelle's side.

Somewhere around Young Volcanoes, Annabelle's hand is running through my hair.

And somewhere around sometime, Jacob bursts through the curtain dividing the kitchen and the lounge, announcing he's finished only to be shushed politely by Annabelle, who shifts slightly. I sleepily groan and pull her closer. I'm on the brink of falling asleep.

"Haze," Jacob says, ignoring Annabelle's protests to just let her sleep. "Haze I made almond amaretti cookies."

He knew that would wake me up. Jacob's almond amaretti cookies are the best. I hazily push myself off Annabelle's comfy stomach and stumble after Jacob.

My foot connects with something, and I slip on the floor. My eyes shoot wide open and I let out a little squeak, but arms I recognize as Annabelle's wrap around me and prevent me from falling to my death.

Jacob turns around and just chuckles a little at the sight.

I roll my eyes at him and I look from him to the cookies and back at him. He sighs, then picks one up and feeds it to me in one bite. I immediately sigh in satisfaction. It tastes like marzipan and shortbread and powdered sugar.

"Mmm," I mumble through my mouthful. I hold up my fingers in the 'okay' sign. "That's some good baking right there, my friend." It comes out more like "Thomoodbaingfren," but he gets the gist.

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