my dime-piece datemate in overalls, sunsets, and polaroids

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Jenna and Jacob are on my bed when I get back. Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge is playing.

They both look up at me when I open the door.

"Hey, I'm guessing you went home with Annabelle last night, right?" Jacob asks. He's smiling like an idiot.

"Yeah," I answer.

"I would make jokes about it, but they don't apply," Jenna pouts, running her hand through her hair. I swear it gets more saturatedly scarlet every time I see her. "You're no fun."

"I know," I sigh dramatically, swooning and flopping down onto Jenna's bed. "I have failed."

Jacob pushes himself up on one elbow and smiles at me.

"Is that my hoodie?" I ask him. He looks down and seems to realize that it is.

"Initially, yes, I think it was. But I adopted it. So ... kind of? You can have weekend custody if you want, sweetheart."

"Anyway, Haze," Jenna interrupts. "Back to you and Annabelle."

"You really do love her, don't you?"

Jenna gives me this look, one that means my eyes just lit up.

I nod, and blush a little bit. "Yeah."

"She loves you, too," Jacob says. "She looks at you the way Jenna looks at cake."

Jenna exhales exaggeratedly. "I wish I could bake."

Jacob rubs her shoulder. "That's okay, honey. I'll bake for you. Goodness knows I won't let you won't destroy a kitchen in our house the way you did with the one here." He looks back over at me. "Trust me. Before you two went on your first date, she came to us and I helped her make that bouquet. There was this look on her face when she talked about you ... it was the sweetest thing."

"That bouquet was beautiful!" I exclaim. "You're gonna be such a great florist."

Jacob beams and ruffles Jenna's hair. She laughs and ruffles his.

"See darling, I told you," she says happily.

I push myself up and sit criss-cross applesauce on Jenna's comforter.

"So?" Jenna prompts. "Tell us what happened!"

My cheeks heat up a bit and I kind of snuggle into my hoodie that smells like her and the biggest smile comes onto my face as I talk.

Later that day, I have another shift at the ice cream shop.

It's kinda busy, but it's the nicest Sunday afternoon I've seen in a while. The sky is a gorgeous cerulean color and the clouds are white and fluffy. The air is a little bit cool for early November.

I beam at everyone who enters, and I think my good mood is spreading, because they smile back brightly.

I'm in my black jeans and Jacob's Troye Sivan tank top and my favorite beanie.

The first beats of Paris come on the Bluetooth speaker, and suddenly I'm holding Annabelle's waist and dancing with her under the stars. The moonlight illuminates her skin, and her eyes sparkle.

The bell tinkles and two people enter the shop. I shake out of the memory with an even bigger smile than before, and I brush my hands on my apron before turning to help them.

To my surprise, it's Jack from a couple weeks ago. We've been texting occasionally. The messages are basically us gushing about our significant others. I've learned a little bit about his girlfriend.

No really, I'm okay. I'm also a great liar.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin