Calum cleared his throat, "Come in."

A blonde guy probably my age opened the door. He was wearing a blue flannel and he had a lip ring.

"Hi Luke." Calum stood up and bro-hugged him.

"Hey Cal," he smiled and looked at me. "Who's that? Another one night stand?" he raised his eyebrows.

"My wife." he said proudly.

"Your what! Since when?" he widened his eyes.

"He bought me yesterday and signed a paper saying that we're married, against my will." I said.

"Calum why the hell did you do that?" Luke's veins looked like they were about to pop out.

"You know why." Calum sternly said.

"It's still not fair!" he protested.

"Who's side are you on Luke?"

Luke groaned and walked to where I was.

"Hi i'm Luke Hemmings, Calum's bestfriend. I'm over almost every day so you'll see me a lot." he extended his hand.

"I'm Elena Matthews." I shook his hand.

"How old are you?"

"17." I smiled.

"Calum! She's not even legal!" Luke shot a glare at Calum.

"I'm 18." he smiled, showing his dimples.

"I'm going to tell the maids to prepare dinner, don't do anything stupid." Calum said and left the room.

"Help me." I whispered.

"I want to, El. So bad. I can't do anything about it. Calum will do anything to not let you go. I could easily beat the shit out of him for what he did, but he's my best friend too."

"I'm married to a fucking stranger Luke. Why did he even do that?"

"Because he's gay and his dad doesn't know." he said with a straight face, but then laughed. "I'm kidding, he will be the one to tell you why."

"Bu-" Calum came in before I could protest.

"What are they cooking tonight?" Luke asked.

"A very special dinner, for the very special lady." he glanced at me and I rolled my eyes.

My phone buzzed, Mom texted me.

It's for your own good.

I rolled my eyes once again.

"Who was it?" Calum asked as he approached me.

"My mom."

"What a crappy phone you have," he said and grabbed my phone. "I'll buy you a new one tomorrow." His smile was so wide and for a moment, I thought the monster I married -against my will - was a good guy after all.


We all ate dinner silently, not a single world was spoken. Calum told Luke to crash in the guest room and began a conversation about work. After I was done eating, I told Calum I was going upstairs to take a nap. So he stood up and hugged me, then he kissed my cheek.

"Good night love," he smiled.

"Good night." His smile dropped and sat back down.

"Night Luke!" I said.

"Good night El," he smiled.

I walked upstairs, easily finding my room. I easily got bored and decided to eavesdrop.

I slowly walked down the stairs, trying to not make a single sound.

"If you hurt her you'll regret it."

"Luke, i'm not like tha-"

"Yes you are Calum. How many one night stands have you had in the past month? Then you end up not calling them ever again."

"But she's not a one night stand, she's my wife!" he raised his voice.

"Against her will!"

"Who's side are you on bro?"

"No one's," he sighed. "If she wants a tutor then get Ashton Irwin. He's a nerd."

"Isn't he, hot?" I bit my tongue trying not to laugh.

"Well, yeah. But dude, you're a millionaire, he barely has money to pay for his apartment. If she wanted to cheat on you, Ashton wouldn't be her first choice, trust me."

"You're right." he sighed.

"Don't buy her love with money, earn it." I've got to admit he gives good advice.

"I just don't know where to sleep. All I know is that she probably hates me."

"That's not true," I whispered. "I'm just mad at you."

"Give her time bro."

"I'm going upstairs and ask her if I can sleep with her. If she says no, then I'll sleep on the couch."

"Mr. Hood is turning into a softie huh." Luke chuckled.

"Shut up," Calum groaned and I heard his chair move.

I took that as my cue to run upstairs, carefully. I closed the door, changed into some shorts that I found on my suitcase and layed down.

I heard the door open and I closed my eyes.

"Elena," he softly shook me.

"What?" I whispered.

"Can I sleep with you? N-not in that way, you know. In the way tha-"

"It's okay."


"Yeah, just don't try anything on me or touch me and we'll be fine."

he sighed, "Okay."

He undid his pants and took off his shirt.

"Is it okay if I sleep with only my boxers?"

"It's fine."

He carefully layed down next to me, "Is it okay if I put my arm around your waist?"

"You ask a lot of questions boy." I chuckled.

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable." he said.


He placed his arm around my should and scooted closer to me.

Half of me wanted to push him away but the other half didn't.

"Good night love," he said and kissed my cheek.

I half smiled and thought about what happened today. I widened my eyes when I realized what I did.

"Get out." I said sternly.

"Why?" he sat up.

"It's not been even a day and we're already sleeping together I-I can't do this."

"It's not like we were having sex or anything," he sounded annoyed.

"It's not like you bought me and married me against my will." I rolled my eyes.

"It's technically not against your will since you didn't know."

"Still! No one consulted me."

"Forget it." Calum said and stormed out of the room.

I kept moving and tossing around but managed to fall asleep.


Hope you liked it!

What Luke said in italics is V V V V V V V V important okay, you may or may not understand already what it's about but ya knowww.

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