Gently i got out of bed and it felt weird to walk again, i wobbled for my first few seconds but after gaining my strength in my legs again it felt so good, the muscles were all stretching and starting to work once again and it felt like my whole body was brand new.

I Slowly opened the sliding door and snaked my body outside deciding i needed some fresh air and that i would watch the sunrise. Taking a seat on the condensated grass, i sat down and watch the sky start to turn lighter, looking around the lake i saw one of the herds of fallow deer drinking the water of the lake, A small smile came onto my face when i saw the baby deer from the other day.

Turning my head the other way i could see the small grizzly bears running around in the water playing tag with each other A laugh escaped me when i saw them play fighting and their mother coming out of the woods to growl them. The dad just sat there watching from a distance. All of the Animals were awakening from their barrows and coming to get their morning drink along with their little ones.

The sun began to rise. My life felt different it felt like something different in me was starting to come out of me and i didn't know what the hell i was feeling. It was really random and i'd never felt like this before, Even Shakira felt different, She felt a lot more mature and she felt like she'd been reborn and so do i in all honesty.

My smile on my face would not fade if anything it grew bigger and it made feel so happy inside, i never thought i'd be so lucky to be mated to someone in my pack.Now i don't have to leave my friends.

Everything was falling into place and for the first time in a long time i felt like i was wanted and needed. I had found my mate and i was over the moon that it was my best friend.

I felt a rather large presence behind me and a strong scent that scent sparkles down my body, Hands wrapped around me waist and i was pulled in between Max's legs. His hands connected with mine and i rubbed my thumb over the top of his hand as the tingles rocketed through my hand a small peck was touched on my forehead.

"I can't wait to have our own pups one day "He whispered into my ear before applying a small kiss to my ear.

The sun had finally arisen from it sleep and was now blaring the warmth down onto us and god did it feel beautiful, their was only a light gust of wind in the air and it felt like Summer had arrived early. Very Early.

"Me too "I said pecking him on the cheek and running out of his arms. He got up and let out a very playful growl and began chasing me around the forest.

"GOTCHA "He yelled before tackling me to the ground laughing his butt off. The real cute thing though is before we hit the ground he turned us around so he would be taking the full force of the ground instead of me.

"Stupid Alphas "I growled at him.

"Shush My Luna "

"Oh really now "I laughed.

"Yup "He smiled and then leaned up and pecked my lips.

"Your a dick "I said to him with a smirk on my face.

"And you are a little shithead."He winked back at me and pulled himself up so i'd be straddling him.

"We better start getting ready it will take us and hour to drive home."I said before pushing my body off off his and walking back to the cabin. I could feel his presences closely behind me as i felt the warmth radiating off of him.

Reaching the cabin i opened the door once again and walked into the bathroom and had a shower, i was so happy that Max didn't walk in and have one with me because i'm not ready for him too see my battle scars just yet even though he was there when i got them, no one really sees them to their full potential as i keep them well covered up with either make up when i'm wearing a dress or with long clothes that cover them. I'm not your average Girl who wears short shorts and tops that show off most of your top half body, Not one that wears ripped jeans either i don't see the point in wearing ripped jeans as it makes you look untidy in my opinion. I'm just jeans and T-shirt with a large jersey over top. That's my kind of outfit.

Looking at the back off the door i saw my dress i was meant to wear, It was a beautiful White dress with long sleeves and a golden belt, I got out of the shower and quickly placed a towel over my body. And Began to do my hair up as nicely as i could i put a bit of makeup on and then looked into the mirror and it was like i couldn't recognize my own self in the mirror, i looked different some how but i couldn't quite figure out what was different about me.

Slipping on my dress it was skin tight to my body and fitted me perfectly looking at the necklace and the shoes that were also there, i knew that Rose had definitely picked out this, actually i even think it is hers.

Looking in the small hand bag that was there i saw my cell phone had been put in their along with my wallet and car keys. God she's amazing. This is a true best friend here.

Placing me heels on i felt myself being lifted off the ground as they were rather large, maybe now i'd be as taller than Max, Walking through the bathroom door i saw Max sitting on the bed playing on his phone.

"Ready ?"I asked, He was in a very nice suit.

"Yea-Wow look at you " He smirked.

"Let's go i don't want to be late,"

*****1 Hour Later ****

Pulling up to the house i could see his parents cars were out the front and i was begging to get nervous.

He pulled into the car parking space next to mine and i took a deep breath before stepping out of the car. Max walked around and held his hand out and i quickly grabbed it as i was very nervous of seeing everybody and then finally knowing that me and max were mates.

Walking through the doors we could hear noises coming from the dining room, As we walked down the hallway and entered the dining room Max put his arm around my waist and a small blush entered onto my face and everyone in the room started to cheer for us, Looking at Kate and Jaxon they both bowed their heads to me and had great big smiles on their faces.

As we stood at the top of the table neither of us had said a word yet as im pretty sure everyone knew what had happened. Ruby and the boys couldn't stop smiling at the both of us and neither could his parents.

"Hi everyone im back " Jane's voice echoed. My back straightened and my body shifted infront of Max's in a instant.

"I've got some very exciting news"She scawed.

"Good so do i "I said.

"Max you're going to be a dad "She smiled rubbing her belly. Looking at Maxs reaction he instantly let go of his hand on my waist and went to her with a big glemy smile on his face, she had tears of joy dropping from her face and was a bit angry that no one else's eyes were on her but me, as everyone else had their eyes directed on me.

The Alphas Second ChanceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ