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-Joey's P.O.V-

As the days passed I felt worse and worse and worse. Everything around started to collapse... I lost touch with all my friends when they heard I abused Stacy, my parents basically disowned me because I got drunk so often... and at the time of all of this I felt like they did the wrong thing. Like it was their fault. Now I realize, it wasn't. It was mine. I had so much guilt in me that I didn't even realize it... I thought I was free of guilt... I wasn't. When I found out where Stacy was I thought all my stress and guilt would be gone. Instead I gave it all to her. And that loaded me with more guilt.


And more


♥Author's Note♥

Sorry it's short... pls don't hate me.. T-T so lazy I suck I'm sorry so tired hope enjoy you BYEEEEEE smile remember to ugh night

Sad Song-A Gracy FanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora