July 4th Celebrations (Continued)

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    Let's take just a quick moment of your guys' time. So, looking back to last chapter... Until I can manage to get a new computer... I feel like my stories/chapters just simply can't be as well designed. I mean... Progress goes slower, frustration is easier, boredom/being unfocused is easier... And it overall sucks. It really aggravates me... And apparently once you go past 5200 words, you basically have to stop because of how glitchy it is!

     So Again, this chapter is NON-CANON... So where we left off, "Worlds Will Fall" or something like that is the last chapter that you will go off of. Just keep that in mind... This special is simply here for the holidays and a bit of instant satisfaction for some people who crave the romance to fanfics...

    Anyways, this is the last part of the special... Be on the lookout for the number sequence '835'. Comment down below the number of times you see it... ENJOY... (I hope)

                 (Starts here)
     "I DON'T LIKE HER!" Blaze defensively threw his arms, embarrassment making his already red tainted cheeks swell up in a crimson like color. Winston and Blade, the mischievous Machoke and Sceptile they were anyways, only kept up their teasing. "Don't be in denial... We've all had crushes before..." Blaze only sighed loudly in defeat, one of his deepest secrets being well known now.

     "JUST LOOK AT THE OBVIOUS FACT! IT'D NEVER EVEN WORK!" Blaze only fought a defeated battle, each of his two friends crossing their arms smugly. "What do you mean? You two would be great together... Sera is like a sister to all of us," Blaze let his mind race, his palms extremely sweaty just thinking back to the Espeon.

     Had he known they'd cause this much of a scene, he wouldn't of commented that the Espeon looked 'Beautiful when she picked flowers...'.

     "GAH!" He knew that he could only truly blame himself for the situation he was in. Sera was always so innocent... Like the responsible and loving one of the group. He had already known so much about her too.

     Sera was a pokemon who completely despised fights and killing other people. She had always been really disappointed when the team would go off on missions and ruthlessly destroy all the rocket grunts and projects that stood in their way... It all made her really upset. She was a pacifist and peaceful pokemon... She wasn't snark, sly or anything like that.

     Blaze knew that she really took a care-taker like attitude towards Aeru, always defending him and helping out all the time. He also knew that years ago, when Beta broke free in Aeru, Sera had been the one to make him calm enough to transform back. He remembered the exact date even... August 3rd exactly five years ago. Although, she had suffered serious wounds from Beta, leaving scars that she still had today even. Perhaps this was the fuel to why she was so against fighting... Nobody really 100 percent knew why, most people assuming it was just the way she was at heart.

     The more and more Blaze thought about it... The more and more he doubted himself. What was the fuel behind this infatuation he had with Sera... There was no real explanation it seemed.

     "Come on dude... We can see your face," The two wouldn't drop it, and Blaze became increasingly worried that Sera could simply hear everything they were saying. I mean she was after all just a couple feet ahead of them, still picking flowers in the flower garden.

     "I-I DON'T ACTUALLY LIKE HER! I JUST... COMPLIMENTED HER LOOKS!" He and his friends only realized all the too late that Sera could indeed understand them... Just simply processing everything that they said and forming her own thoughts about it. "Awe... He's adorable..." She told herself, actually finding this quite enjoyable.

     It all sorta flattered her, every single time she peaked over the flowers to see Blaze flail his arms carelessly. It brought a bit of control and pride into her knowing that he was so flustered and nervous when it came to her.

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