The Warrior

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This is my favorite out of all the chapters so far. This one is just .... good. The beginning of this chapter will be focused on Gallade at the Guild. Keep that in mind while reading this. This information is super crucial and you must read it to discover mysteries and facts that will answer millions of questions you might have had. So, enjoy this chapter of Luck or Fate

(Gallade's POV)

I awoke to the bright morning sun slipping through the window of my den along with a loud and somewhat annoying alarm. Wigglytuff ordered for all guild members to always have one set to 7:00 a.m. sharp every morning. He for some reason believes that the earlier your awake, the better prepared you are for the day. I believe that the idea is completely incorrect and frankly annoying, but like all other guild members, we must oblige. I slowly rose and walked to my bathroom to get myself for the day.

News was spreading fast about the capture of Blaze's pearl by the well known pokemon named Kara. When I heard this, I almost died out laughing. He gets a special reward for capturing a thief then gets it stolen by a thief, oh the irony. I could almost bet that Blaze was beyond furious right now, probably plotting the thief's death as I speak. Geez, poor thief. Blaze and I have known each other for a long time and have been friends ever since we joined the guild.

I turned the shower faucet on a semi warm temperature and stripped down and hopped into the shower. After bathing, I dressed in my master rank outfit, an outfit worn by only master ranks in the guild, and proceeded out the door. Breakfast started at exactly 8:00, so I still had a little time left before I needed to go to the lunge. I walked over to the posted jobs lists and scammed through the many lists.

I scrolled through the dozens of jobs listed. Retrieving a dozen perfect apples, helping find an elderly's bag, and the most starred and rewarding job listed, retrieving the new outlaw. I decided that when it was time to choose a job I would leave that one for Blaze since he has bones to pick with her. I started walking back to the lounge, wanting to wait the few minutes before breakfast there. Once I arrived I scoped out a seat next to Blaze and a few of my other friends. As soon as Blaze saw me he waved me over and pointed to the empty seat next to him.

I walked over to my friends and sat down with an amiably expression, making Blaze roll his eyes and chuckle a little. Once we all got settled in, Blaze started up a conversation, "As some of you may know, I captured a well known thief and received an amazing and super rare Time Chasm as a reward. Well, as of last night, that pearl was stolen from me by that disgusting and lowlife scum of a pokemon known as Kara, the new thief." Everybody's faces started to expand and soon everyone started to burst out with laughter, making Blaze literally steam. Everyone quickly stopped and continued listening, some still chuckling a bit after a while. "Well anyway, I am so going to catch her today and turn her in, maybe even teach that scum a lesson or two." The Bisharp at my table, nicknamed Blade but his real name is Flance, then added in, "Yeah that stupid little scum does not deserve a peaceful capture, she deserves more than that." He finished that last part with a grin and barred teeth.

I really don't like Flance. He puts on a good and friendly act while around others, but he is the complete opposite when higher authorities aren't watching. The Lucario next to him is his cousin, who is pretty much the complete opposite of him. He puts on a tough and stern act while around his cousin, but is super nice and sort of mischievous around others. The Lucario's name was Lucian. I really looked up to Lucian, he was one of the few people who is as strong as me. Pretty much me, him, and Blaze are by far the strongest in the Guild.

Lucian rolled his eyes at his cousin's words, earning a glare from Flance. "Is there a problem with what I said baby cousin, I didn't mean to make you upset." Flance moked, followed by chuckles with everyone at the table. Lucian stared angrily and walked away from the table, making Flance smile victoriously. "Wow, what a scum." Flance said after Lucian was a safe distance away. Everyone laughed and my friend Nero, an Absol, added in, "Geez, I'm happy he's not my cousin."

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